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Taraji POV

I was so excited to start training today! I was sick of walking around with a fat stomach. I wasn't fat, but it's like i was overly thick i guess you could say. My friend decided to get me to try this thing because she thinks that I'll find the perfect guy there. Pfft, no. That's not gonna happen. All men are the same, they want you for what you have...not for what you want. I'm only going to lose weight, and any guys who come to me I'm gonna reject them, you don't need a man to be happy, i damn sure don't. I was putting on my workout gear and my friend Natasha, the one who made me sign up for this was calling me.

I answered the phone

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I answered the phone..

N-girl are you ready yet? Who you tryna get all dressed up for?

T- well first of all, no one and you don't dress up for people at the gym

N-you do if you wear booty shorts, but anyways I'm outside hurry up


I hung up the phone and finished tying my shoe. I kissed my dog willie goodbye and rushed out of the door. Natasha was in her Mercedes honking. "You don't have to honk girl in right here!" i shouted. "Well hurry up I'm tryna meet me some body builders!" shouted natasha fixing her lip gloss as i got in. "And you're wearing lips gloss to the gym because.." i said. "Because guys like girls with nice, plump lips, unlike somebody.." she said side eyeing me. I rolled my eyes. "Ugh whatever let's just go" i said playfully as we drove out of the drive way. I hope this trainer knows what he's doing, because I'm not gonna be sitting up doing workouts that don't make me lose anything. I always wanted that body shape models had, but i had to be a lump of pudgyness. "What you over there thinking about?" natasha asked me as i snapped out of my thoughts. "Nothing girl...i just hope this trainer knows what he's doing, i don't want some lazy one that doesn't care and just what's to stare at my ass.." i told her sighing. "Shit, I'd be proud if i had one like that, i like a freaky trainer, that can give me a workout in the gym and in the bed mm!" she shouted rolling her hips. We both laughed. "You a real freak you know that.." i said shaking my head. "Wait, so we're gonna have different trainers? We're not gonna be we always are?" i asked saddened. Me and natasha always did things together....this is the first time we've been apart. "Aww it's ok bestfriend, it's just a 3 hour work out, it actually goes by pretty quick I've heard, it'll be over before you know it!" she said. I've never have a personal trainer before, so i knew nothing about the being alone part. I let out a loud groan as we pulled up to the place. It was this big blue and gray building with the words:"Workout Mania" written across the top. In the Windows were nothing but hundreds of active treadmills, and that was only on one of the floors. We went inside and signed up. The people at the front desk showed us our trainers and we introduced ourselves. Natashas was a tall darkskinned african guy, he seemed like a good match for her. Mine was this tall, lightskinned, guy with his hair long and slicked back. "I'm Taraji Henson." i said. I didn't say my middle name because it wasn't his buisness. "Hm. Quite a name you got on you there, I'm Terrence Howard." he said sticking out his hand. Him talking about my name offended me a bit but i just ignored it and stuck out mine. We shook hands. "So..when do we start?" i asked with my arm's crossed. "Now." he said seriously turning away from me walking to the workout area. As i walked behind him the natashas trainer grabbed my arm. "Hey um...terrence can be a bit...rude at times..he's been through a lot..a tough, rough make sure you're sort of serious and just ignore him.." he said smiling. "Thanks" i said smiling back. "Are you coming or are you just here to flirt?!" he shouted from down the hall. "He's...extremely serious....especially about fitness" said the guy as i walked off. I rolled my eyes at terrence as i walked towards him. "What are we doing first?" i asked him trying to keep my composure. "Pushups. 15. And no, you can't do those weak little girly ones." he said setting the timer. "Ok..." i said confused. He set the timer and it started going. "What are you standing there for? GO!" he shouted and i immediately started doing them as he did them with me. I made it to 9 and i started struggling, he was already done. He got up and watched me. "I don't know what you're staring at but i suggest you stop." i said roughly as i was now on 12. "I'll kick you out if you speak to me again you hear me. I was on 13 and was about to give up. "Keep going...stop being weak." he said loudly. "I'm not weak." i said rolling my eyes. "Prove it." he said as i did the last pushup, immediately laying on the floor afterwards panting loudly. "Get up." he said as he wrote down something. "I never should've done this.." i said under my breath. He turned around. "That's your problem." he said. "You didn't even hear me." i snapped at him. Natashas trainer was right, he is such an asshole so far. "Obviously i did." he snapped back. "I'm not about to argue with you dude. Not what's the next workout?" i asked him firmly. "Squats" he said raising an eyebrow. "Great...just great." i sighed. Usually when a trainer makes you do squats, it's to stare at your ass. "Let me guess, you've never done squats before." he said as i rolled my eyes and ignored him. We did 30 and of course he finished before me. He put his back up against the wall and stood behind me. "Can you not fucking stare at my ass sir?!" i shouted as i stopped and turned around. He rolled his eyes. "If there was something to stare at then i would've been staring, get your facts straight loud mouth." he said standing close to my face. He walked off bumping my shoulder roughly. I just sighed and stayed quiet the rest of the workout, i was done dealing with him. I have better things to do than to worry about a cold hearted nigga like that. Even when he asked me something i just ignored him. I didn't say anything when he stood behind me because after what he said i knew he wasn't staring at me, thankfully. When we were done for the day i hurried and got my stuff and walked to find natasha. I was sweaty and smelly, but that's what happens when you work out. Terrence was following me when it urned around but i ignored him and talked to natasha. "So how was your workout girl? You had fun with yo fine ass trainer of yours?" she asked me. I almost threw up. "Pfft first, he looks like a horses ass, ns secondly he's the rudest person i ever met" i said as he walked past me startling me. "Right back at you big mouth." he said drinking some water. "Whatever." i said as he took took off his shirt. "I gotta hit the showers. Trai if you come back tomorrow being lazy again you can forget about coming back." he said as he walked to the showers. "It's taraji!" i shouted at him. "Close enough!" he shouted back twirling his shirt in his hand. Asshole. "See?" i said to natasha. "Hell yea i see...i see that body he got on him god damn!" she shouted smiling. I turned away and walked away from her rolling my eyes. We walked out and got into the car. When i got home i laid took a shower and laid down with willie. That trainer is a pain in my ass. Tommorow I'm gonna come in there working my ass of so he can shut the hell up...


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