Chapter 11

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A/N: Well her comes another chapter. I realize that there have been a lot of things going on but I am going to be simplifying the chapters and now it will be focusing a lot on the romance between the characters and Jennas revenge on her killer. Tell me what you think and dont forget to vote. 



Chapter 11- The gathering

            Gloria must have known it was time because Felisha arrived shortly after and said we were to expect company. She didn't tell me who all was coming but I had a feeling I knew. After all all the people I have met have come into my life for a reason. Gloria has saved me twice and now it was time for me to help her by letting witch's live without fear of being killed by Richard and his men. I have since found out that Jeremy was killed shortly after I disappeared. Richard had killed him in a fit of rage when they could not find me. That was one less person I had to worry about. 

            Four days after I awoke from my memories I started smelling familar scents walking towards me and my friends. Gloria, the Jameson's, Jason, Lana, and a few that I didn't know walked out of the woods. I was disappointed that Andy and Charles were not with them but I also knew they were hurt and probably could not make the journey. I looked over at Amanda and saw she was upset about this as well. Since my memories returned so did my powers and one of them was to teleport. I had enough of missing him and I know Amanda wouldn't be at her best without Charles by her side. 

           I teleported back to the house in Wyoming and found both of them asleep and I could tell the were haveing bad dreams. I could feel the emotions rolling off of them like waves in an ocean. I watched them for a little bit wondering what they were dreaming about. However, I knew I would need to hurry and do what I came here to do. Everyone was showing up and soon we were going to go against the self-proclaimed king of vampires. At the time he was the most powerful vampire so vampires blindly followed them and soon our species were turned into the vile monsters we are now. I will be changing this and I need my mate and Amanda's mate there to help us out. 

          I slowly get down onto my knees and bring my head closer to Andy's ear. I whisper, "Wake up my love, I need to hear your voice and I need to bring you with me." He wimpers and moves but does not wake up. I was hoping that it would have been enough but now I know he is a heavy sleeper and more drastic measures are needed. 

          I shook the couch and it scared both of them awake. "What the hell, are we having an earthquake?" Andy yells.

          I couldn't hold in my laughter and soon both men were facing me and had scowls on their lips. "I am sorry, that was to funny. Earthquake really, in Wyoming?" I was laughing so hard that I didn't realize that they were slowly walking over to me.

         I felt strong arms wrap themselves around me and I knew instantly they were Andy's. I felt warm and safe while he held me but then I felt hands wrap around my ankles and soon I was laying on the couch and pinned by father and son. Charles was holding my ankles and Andy was standing over me and then was straddling me. I could have easily knocked him off me and kicked both of their asses but I knew I really didn't have to worry. "What are you doing back Jenna?" Andy asked.

           "Well I am came back for you guys but if you don't want me here then I guess I will go back to where I was then." I said. I shimmered and teleported myself into the kitchen. Neither one of them knew about this particular power yet so it was going to be interesting to see what they do. 

          I heard someones fist hit the coffee table and then a lot of yelling. "Why the hell did you have to ask her that question. Now she thinks we weren't happy to see her?" Charles asked his son.

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