Chapter 3

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A/N: Hello all my wonderful readers. Just wanted to remind everyone that I am new to this and I am really hoping to get constructive criticism. I want to improve so badly. I don't care to much about becoming the next big novelist or anything like that but I would like to be good enough for my readers. Thank you to everyone and please vote and comment if you like and if not then tell me what I can improve on. I also wanted to say that I know I haven't gotten to the romance part of the story yet but it will get there. Jenna just needs time to develop into the vampire she is to become. After all she is the first vampire, she just needs to remember and prepare.

Chapter 3-Training

          Amanda came and got me from my room at 6 am and by the glint in her eyes I was in for a world of pain today. She had a look of determination that had me scared. It took a lot to make a vampire feel pain but I am sure I will find my limit today. "Hurry up Jenna, I want to find out how much work we need to do to get you in shape. It sucks I have to teach you when it is a creators job to do this." Amanda mumbled as we headed to a clearing near the house. I wasn't paying attention when we arrived. Like an idiot I was looking around at all the beautiful flowers growing. Next thing I know I was getting a real close look at the as my face made contact with some of them. "First thing you need to remember is to always pay attention to your surroundings." she smirked.

          Of course I was pissed and quickly jumped to me feet holding my chin. It didn't hurt but it was uncomfortable. Amanda turned to walk further down into the meadow and I thought this would be my chance to get her back. I ran behind her and tried to grab her but she moved out of the way and my momentum I gain while running and diving at her was now my worst enemy. I was now heading head first towards a tree and I knew this was not going to feel very good. I brought my head down and covered it with my hands. I slammed into it hard and slumped to the ground. Damn, if I was human i would be knocked out or even possibly have a broken neck. It took a minute or two for me to get up but that was mostly from embarrassment. Which, in turn, made me more angry. However this time it was toward myself. "Jenna are you done playing around now?" She asked. "I would like to get some training done today." She said trying to look serious but she wasn't doing a very good job of it. Her lips kept turning into a smile and you could see her fighting it. 

          "Go ahead, let it out." I sighed.

          Next thing I know she is on the ground rolling. Trying to talk but she couldn't catch her breath with all the laughing. That was when an idea came to me. I grabbed her arm and swung her around and threw her into a tree. I started laughing but as the tree snapped in half I stated in shock. I didn't know I was that strong. Amanda not laughing any more stormed towards me and asked, "What the hell was that for?"

          "Just practicing your lesson from earlier. You know you should fallow it to, always pay attention to you surroundings." I answered with a smirk.

          She looked at me in shock and then I saw she face contort to embarrassment and finally to understanding. "I have to watch what I say to you if your going to use it against me." She mumbled. "Ok lets get started. We will work on the next rule since you have mastered the first." She laughed and so did I.

          "Blocking is the first thing you need to learn. Have you every fought someone before?" She asked.

          "Besides the asshole who killed me? No, I haven't." Was my reply. I was kind of embarrassed. I was 17 years old when I died and not once did I stand up for myself. I was teased by many at my school but not once did I try to stop it. I guess I figured if my parents didn't even like me then why would anyone else like me. I found myself lucky to of even had the friends I did.

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