Chapter 15

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A/N:  I am trying to make up for lost time and hope. everyone likes what I am writing so far. I really hope everyone ike the wedding in the last chapter but I do know I will be going back to edit it later. We are getting close to the ending of this story. Maybe two or three chapters left and as always please feel free to tell me what you really think. I am excited to say that shortly after finishing my last chapter I had 6 reads in a matter of minutes. I hope it does justice. Well now for chapter 15, battle scenes are about to start.


Heather Lincoln-Prough

Chapter 15: Revenge Part 1

    Jenna returned to her and Andy's tent around six a.m. She was relieved to see that he was still sleeping. She layed down next to him and as if from instinct he came closer and wrapped his arm around her. She was so happy to be in his arms but she just could not get it out of her head that she would be gone after he goes to sleep tomorrow. Unfortunatly she was not going to tell him. That was one thing both Jeff and her agreed on. They knew if Andy knew all the details of the new plan he would refuse to let her go or he would follow her. Everyone knew that he was her weakness and she would die then to let him get hurt.

     He must have finally realized that she was laying next to him because his hands began to move toward her breasts. First he was massageing it but soon he was squeezing and rubbing her already arge nipples. She rolled so that she was facing him and sure enough he was wide awake and judgeing by something poking at her thigh he was very excited. She quickly dropped all thoughts of the battle from her mind, intending to enjoy every second she had left with him. She hoped they had longer but she did not want to hope for to much. She knew something bad was going to happen and she knew it was not going to work out well for the two of them. She was scared but she also knew it would have to be her or all of her new found family. For her it was an easy decision. She then proceeded to show Andy just how much she loved him. They spent most of the day in bed talking, laughing, and making love. Finally Andy said he had to eat so they got dressed and went out to find any food left over from lunch.

     While he was looking I excused myself and went to look for my brother. He was the one person who really needed to know the new devolpements to our plan after all he was going to be a huge part in the plan. We are guessing that since someone had already told our plans that they also knew that Micah was working with us and was no longer looking for me to turn me into Richard. Part of the new plan still involved him coming with me but this time he was going to help distract everyone from the others coming. With our teleporting abilities it would be very hard for them to pin us down. I knew they did not know the full scale of all of my abilities. I was also very certain that Micah was holding back on all of his abilities as well.

     When I found him I was very suprised by what I saw. He was with someone and it looked like they were kissing and from the smell she was human. I was happy for him but I really had to talk to him. "Excuse me Micah, I really need to talk to you. So sorry to interupt." 

     I saw him pull away slowly while still looking at the unknown girl and quickly turn. I could tell he was not happy to be interrupted but as soon as he saw me his eyes lit up and he looked like a school boy who just asked out his first girlfriend. He turned back around and grabbed the hand of the girl I have yet to get a good look at. He pulled her over and I almost fell over with shock at who I saw. It was Sharon of the Moon River Pack and she was blushing but looked very nervous. "Hey Jenna, guess what I found my mate. I would like to introduce you to Sharon." I guess I was still in shock because it took me a while to look away.

     "Hello Sharon, nice to see you again. How are you likeing your stay here?" I asked

     Micah then looked from me to her and I know he wanted to ask how I knew her but before he could Sharon responded, " It is great and it is a lot better now." She then looked at Micah with utter adoration and I knew that they were both very aware of the mate bond and I also knew that Micah had to of known she was more than a human. The question was, did he know that she was a werewolf? This is what has me really worried. I know both are very much in love but will it survive with a secret like that between them.

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