Part 3 - Their Target

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Minna~ Sorry for the long absentees.... I kinda forgotten about happy with holidays. Hahahahahaha....well firstly i wanna thanked every readers that read my story. Thank you so very much for your time and thank you so much for those who had reviewed my story. I really appreciate them and it just fueled me to write more and more. You know, writers need some sort of push and feedback and support from someone(readers) to actually write something productive. And so yeah, enough of my babbling. Enjoy~

Disclaimer: I never and ever will own Prince of Tennis (legally) because if it is...well...Atoryo will be flooding the series!

For me to say "I love you"

Part 3- 'Their Target'

"Ahh, Echizen-kun, Echizen-san, is it the usual order?" Asked Tachibana An.

"Ah, yes." Answered Ryoga while smiling.

"Well then, please wait until your order is ready." She said cheerfully and leaves.

It had been almost a week since Ryoma arrived in Japan. He and Ryoga had been coming to the café regularly now. Even though Tachibana An said that she would interrogate Ryoma but still, the chance never came. Ryoma sighed heavily while gazing outside the window on their usual seat. Ryoga had been smiling while reading something from his phone ever since they both stepped into the café for a little snack.

"Ryoga...what are you looking at?" Asked Ryoma who was curious.

"Ahh...It's Kevin. It seems like he had been doing fine right now." Ryoga said.

"Really?" Asked Ryoma almost sounded happy. "Is he busy?" He added.

"Yeah, he said that he got a lot of tournament right now but..."

"But?" Asked Ryoma .

"He will have some free time in a month and he said that he's coming to Japan." Said Ryoga with a broad smile.

"He's coming?" Asked Ryoma with such a happy smile.

It seems that Ryoma and Kevin had become a very close friend ever since the Goodwill Junior Championship that was held during his freshman year in Seigaku and ever since they had been contacting each other regularly and Kevin had always visited him in the hospital during his stay there twice a week. He had been enjoying his companion. Kevin always told him stories about his tournament and game and that seems to cheer Ryoma up. Even though he was sad that he would not have the chance to play but still, listening to Kevin makes him feel better even just a little and that is his only entertainment.

"Yup! He said that he can't wait to see you in a month." Ryoga said happily since he knew how close those two are.

"That is something for me to look up to next month." Ryoma said while smiling.

"Yeah, but for now...just let me pampered you alright, Ryoma." Ryoga said while ruffling Ryoma's hair gently.

"Hmm..." A small smile adorned Ryoma's face.

As the waitress, well specifically Tachibana An came with their orders, Ryoma's expression turns to cold as he saw her. Waiting for her to leave, he kept on playing with the hem of his shirt and gaze outside the window, trying to avert his gaze from seeing her. Ryoga who notices this could only sigh and smile weakly.

Ann seems to noticed that Ryoma had always refuse to speak to her other than the necessary and it actually had annoyed her. But, seeing how thin Ryoma is and the overprotective act of Ryoga seems to actually tell her something. Secrets and that secret actually is a very big one and she knows that if she were to pressed on that matter more, she might never met them anymore and worst, Echizen Ryoma and his family would disappear again and that is something that he would want to avoid the most. Right after she served them their order, she bowed slightly and excused herself.

For me to say "I Love You" [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now