Part 6 - Hope

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Hey everyone~ Sorry for the long break i took. I had been busy these days...with my finals nearing and assignments due and tests and quizzes filled up my days...Yeah, Varsity life...HARSH! T-T *sobs. Well then, since i've been off for a while and here is the updates! Yay! Hope you guys enjoy and like it. As always, thank you for reading, voting and reviewing! And also thank you for listing my stories in your lists. I really appreciate it. Arigatou gozaimasu! And Enjoy~

Disclaimer: TPoT is not mine...never mine..i hope it is mine...sadly enough it will never be mine...*Gloomy aura

For me to say "I love you"

Part 6 – 'Hope'


"I had been searching for you." Was what he said. Ryoma was surprised that he was using 'I' rather than his usual 'Ore-sama'.

"Wh-why would you?" Ryoma just had to ask.

There it is again, that warm smile on his face. Atobe were smiling to him.

"Because I love you...won't you be mine?" Said Atobe.


Ryoga who was there felt the urge to punched straight on his face but was stopped by Ryoma who was still hold onto him,clinging onto him as if it was his fragile life depends on it. Rather than being shocked by Atobe's declaration, Ryoma had started to tear up. Tears were dropping and he was clutching onto Ryoga's yukata tighter.

"You do know that Ryoma is my little brother right?" Ryoga asked.

"Yes I do." Atobe answered.

"You do know that Ryoma is a boy right?" Ryoga asked again assuming that Atobe didn't understand his question at all.

"I can assure you that I have known that fact ever since we first met two years ago." Atobe answered calmly.

"Are you sane?" Ryoga just had to ask the one thing that had been floating on his mind.

"I can assure you that I am sane." Atobe answered bluntly, rather seriously in which startled Ryoga.

"You..." Ryoga went speechless as every question that he asked didn't seem to have any effect on him at all. Heck, that guy just didn't make any sense at all. "He dare says he's sane....when he is obviously insane..." Ryoga thought.

"Is there anything else that you would love to ask me, Echizen Ryoga-san?" Asked Atobe with a smile, rather a smirk.

"You...are you gay?" Ryoga finally drop the bomb.

"I don't know if falling in love with Ryoma would actually consider me as a gay since he is the only male that I had ever fallen for. But if so then I must admit yes I am." Atobe answered smoothly.

"Ryoma, just where in the world did you meet him?" Ryoga asked Ryoma who had started to calm down as he seriously had started to literally almost burst in frustration. 

"Tennis..." Was Ryoma's reply.

That answer did not actually shocking at all since, before he got sick all Ryoma ever thought off is Tennis, Tennis tournament, Tennis player, Tennis Championship, Tennis practice, practically TENNIS! Ryoga started to rub the bridge of his forehead and sigh quietly before retracting back into his calm posture. 

For me to say "I Love You" [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now