Part 8 - Truth

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What's up wattpaders! 😉 Sorry for being such a devil (a cute one tehe~😘) and making you guys waiting! Well good news. I'm in a holiday! I'm gonna be away from my university till the end of August so yeah, got lots of time ! Banzai~😍 Without further adieu, I want to express my gratitude to all of those you take up your precious time to read my stories and faithfully waits for my updates, even though me being a big jerk. Sorry😞 And always thank you for voting and adding up my stories and chapters into you favorite lists and libraries. Thank you. As for the comments, I totally appreciate them. Thank you so very much. I love reading them! It gives me the fuel to write more and more!  😘😘😘 Thank you. I'll reply them as fast as I could and if I don't I'm sorry 😞. Well then, let's go! Enjoy😉

For me to say "I love you"

Part 8 – 'Truth'

The seigaku members and the Hyotei members filled the room, Atobe was clutching his hand together with Ryoma tightly. Ryoga was sitting right beside them with a serious face. The room was quite gloomy and Ryoma keep on fidgeting.

"So...Echizen, it's been a while since we last met. How are you doing?" Asked Tezuka.

"Well...fine...I guess..."

"We kinda meet you at the café earlier but well...seems like you were busy talking and you just suddenly leave, we don't really have the opportunity to talk with you." Said Fuji.


"You...grew your hair huh, Echizen?" Asked Momoshiro suddenly.

"Ah...yeah...I...didn't really have the time to cut it so...but I like it long...I guess..." Ryoma answered while looking down.

"You look feminine with it though." Momoshiro added.

"Heard that a lot." Ryoma added and started to pout.

"You lost quite a weight, Echizen. Did you get the nutrition you need?" Asked Inui.

"Ah...well...that...I am eating fine."

It was quite hard to keep up the conversation since Ryoma would answer it short and it soon turn into an awkward situation for all of them. Atobe started to nudge Ryoga's arm trying to ask for some kind of help from him but even Ryoga don't know what to do in that kind of situation which lead to a silent war inside the room until suddenly Ryoma hold Atobe's hand tightly and breathe in and out, trying to calm his nerve.

"I'm dying." Was what Ryoma said.

"..." Ryoga and Atobe went speechless at Ryoma's declaration and quickly look at the others face.

Fuji was totally shocked and the same goes for the others. Fuji was thinking that Ryoma's disappearance might have something to do with an injury or illness but he didn't think that it is a chronic and lethal disease. Oishi can't help but panicked at Ryoma's word and stand up abruptly with a shocked face. Momoshiro was speechless and freeze while Kikumaru started to cry silently. Kawamura was obviously shocked that he just stared at Ryoma trying to search for some kind of clue on what kind of disease that Ryoma might have. Inui had dropped his precious notebook on the floor and gape at Ryoma trying to analyse his condition. Tezuka went shock and it was clearly shown on his face just how shocking that news is to him that he lost his calm and collected composure.

Hyotei's member on the other hand keep on looking at Ryoma trying to figure whether his words were just some kind of bad joke that he made to keep them away from questioning him more. They were trying to search for some kind of proof that it might just be a joke when they saw Atobe's and Ryoga's expression which surprised them the most. Atobe's worried face and Ryoga's sad expression just reveal the truth behind Ryoma's words.

For me to say "I Love You" [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now