Part 12 - All's Well that Ends Well

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Hey wattpaders!!! Last and final is finally here 😢😢😢 sad but yeah, every story need an end. So yeah, enjoy the story and you'll read my babble later!

For me to say "I love you"

Part 12 – 'All's well that ends well'

"You should just come to Hyotei, Ryoma..." Said Keigo who was sitting in front of him.

"No. I'm going to Seigaku, besides you won't even be there even if I go to Hyotei." Said Ryoma pouting.

"At least I will leave you in good hands..." Keigo added.


"" Keigo didn't even finish his word when Ryoma suddenly pouted cutely.

"Keigo..." Ryoma said his name again.

"Fine...I understand...but..."

"But?" Asked Ryoma as suddenly Keigo gently touched his forehead, thinking.

"You have to call me before going to school and after the school finished and before club practice and after club is finished and also when you are going back home and also after you arrived home. Is that clear?" Keigo asked with such a serious expression on his face which left Ryoma to laugh.

"Se...seriously, Keigo..." Said Ryoma who was wiping his tears as he was laughing too much. "In other word call you whenever I start doing something and after I done, right? Got it. But..."


"Don't you have five phones?" Ryoma asked.

"The only number that I gave you is only for you and I bring that phone all the time." Said Keigo proudly which makes Ryoma to blush a bit and smile.

"Hmm...okay!" Answered Ryoma cheerfully.

It was already two years and a half since Ryoma's surgery in German and he already ended his rehabilitation in German as well. His condition now is better and his movement is faster. His health had returned to how it was before he felt ill and it was even better now. Tennis is no longer a past for Ryoma as he can play it again. Ryoga was now already a Pro Tennis player along with Kevin under his father, Nanjiroh's coach during their stay in German during his rehabilitation there. Well, he would join them soon anyway. Keigo was always there but he also had his other responsibilities but still, he would always keep in touch with Ryoma every day and whenever he is off from school, he would come to German and finishes his other 'work' in other word his business work in German.

Ryoma is now a high schooler. A freshman in high school, that really does have a nice ring to his ears as Ryoma had to drop his middle school for his treatment and such. Keigo is now in University taking business management and marketing. It seems that it would be hard for them to meet each other as much as they always do and this had made Keigo to be more overprotective of him. He would become worried over such a small thrifty things which actually made Ryoma happy but he didn't show it much.

Ryoma, 2nd Year Seigaku High School.

His long silky black greenish tinted hair would always stand up no matter where he goes. Ryoma kept his hair long just a little longer from his shoulder, he really love them long. Whenever he is in a game, he would just tie them as a ponytail like a samurai would do and it seems that the nickname of Samurai Jr. is already his as he entered his second year in Seigaku High School. Ryoga and Kevin would come and see him play whenever they are free and Keigo would always come whenever he is in a game, he never misses any of them just yet, even though he was so busy with University and other responsibilities.

For me to say "I Love You" [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now