Part 10 - Choice

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Hey wattpaders~ 😍😘 Sorry for being away for such a time, things happen and yeah, I've repeated it twice and I refused to repeat it again. I already posted it in my other stories and yeah, long babbles. And so here is a new chapters! Hope you guys will enjoy! As always, thank you for your votes, comments, reviews, reads and your supports! 😣😣😣 I totally appreciate them! Thank you 😳😳 and so...On with the story and before I forget again, thank your adding my story into your lists and libraries. Love you guys so, sooooooooooooooooooo much! Enjoy~ 😣

For me to say "I love you"

Part 10 - 'Choice'

Both Atobe and Ryoma was strolling at the town of Hokkaido, Ryoma was holding onto Atobe tightly and no one would stare at them thinking that it is weird for them to be walking hand by hand even though they are both guy. Well, Ryoma looks a lot like a girl rather than a guy, not that he is bothered by it since he had been hearing about it all the time and it just goes numb whenever the issue of him looks like a girl came up. He had been so used to it that he could casually just pretend to be one and it was actually rewarding since there are a lot of benefits of having such a feminine gesture and figure.

"Want to rest for a while, Ryoma?" Atobe asked since both of them had been walking for quite a while now.

"Hmm...yeah, okay..."

Both of them were resting in an open café and Ryoma was smiling all day long. The weather was nice too. Atobe was happy that Ryoma was feeling healthy and it does not seem like he would got tired easily and his complexion is rather good. They were having a little tea time when suddenly someone came and talk to Ryoma.

"Ryoma?" Sounded a familiar voice.

"Mrs. Spencer?" Ryoma was surprised and automatically stand and greet her with a warm smile which leave Atobe puzzled.

"You have been discharged? Everything is okay now?" She asked excitedly.

"Well..." It was rather hard for Ryoma to speak about his condition to her.

"I see..." A warm smile curved on her face, showing that she understand. "Everything will be okay...You need to believe it, alright." She added which actually her way to give him courage.

"Ahem..." Mr. Spencer started to ask for their attention. "Ryoma."

"Hello, Mr. Spencer. You look great!" Ryoma said excitedly with a smile on his face.

"Ryoma?" Atobe started to feel abandoned.

"Oh, yeah...I almost forgot, this is Keigo, Atobe Keigo...and these are Mr. and Mrs. Spencer..." Ryoma introduced them.

"Hello, nice to meet you." Said Atobe while waving his smiling face towards them.

"Just you and this nice guy here, Ryoma?...without Ryoga or Kevin?" Asked Mr. Spencer.

"Yeah, Kevin is not here and Ryoga was accompanying my dad." Ryoma explain.

"Oh...Well, rather odd seeing them nowhere near you...especially your older brother." Said Mrs. Spencer while smiling broadly to Ryoma.

"Yeah, well...He asked Keigo to look after me..." Said Ryoma while blushing a little.

"He must have trust you, Keigo." Add Mr. Spencer.

For me to say "I Love You" [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now