Chapter Two-

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Chapter Two-

Payton stood back, leaning against the hood of the SUV while Waters and Marcello met Tony and Marcus. Her eyes watched the elder brother through her shaded aviators. He was different yet the same, she admitted harshly to herself. He still had the dark brown hair but it had grown out longer. His eyes were still the intense emerald green but they were guarded. He looked rugged and roguish and gorgeous and she hated to admit it. She muttered incoherently to herself and bent her head down trying to tame her thoughts. The hat hid the sun from her and kept a shaded view of her to the others.

Marcus smirked at his best friend over by the car as he noticed her trying to keep her cool. He turned to his brother as Tony spoke, "When did Dad get female guards?" Tony was eyeing her up and down as if she were a piece of meat. He was interrupted when Waters let out a booming laugh. Marcello shook his head and smirked at the younger man. Waters clapped Tony on the shoulder and smirked, "This female, as you say, is one mighty big exception."

"How is that?"

"Well... I'll let you find out for yourself. Marcus, you want to introduce them?" Waters grinned over at the younger brother whose eyes widened at the question. Glaring at the bigger man, he led his brother to Payton. 'She's going to kill me.' He thought fearfully. Payton looked up and growled to herself before realizing what they would be doing.

"Antonio this is-" Payton interrupted him when she socked Tony in the gut before stomping over to the Driver's seat in the car. Starting the car, she yelled out the window, "Get the Idiot in the car and hurry up. Marcus, you aren't free yet."

Marcus groaned as he headed toward the opposite car. Tony stared in wonderment at what had just occurred, still holding his gut in pain.

"What in the hell happened?" He questioned Waters who was leading him toward the car Payton was driving.

"Oh. We think it is the new diet she's on," he shrugged nonchalantly.

"She's on a diet? What kind of diet makes a woman this crazy?" Tony questioned, his brow furrowed in anger.

"No ice cream type of diet."

"No ice cream?"

"Yea. She's nuts for it. Your father put her on it. I'm not saying anymore. I don't want to go to the mat for a while. Now get in and remain quiet if we want to live." Waters opened the door and waited for Tony to hop in before going to the passenger seat with a smirk written on his face. Just as he shut the door, she ripped the engine ahead and growled to Waters, "Stop smirking. Or else I'll make you get me something you don't want to." Waters laughed once before pulling a straight face.

Tony watched what occurred between the two with a confused look. Finally after five minutes of silence, he broke it.

"What the hell makes you so bitchy? You seem to have a stick up your ass." Tony asked the chick at the driver's seat. Waters let out a booming laugh. This kid just doesn't know when to shut up. And sure enough, her temper reared in. Payton slammed the brakes and turned back to look at the man sitting in the back with a relaxed look. Cars went around them as they stopped in the middle of the street.

"A stupid idiotic fool like you wouldn't understand and if you don't shut the fuck up, I'll take you to the mat. Keep your trap shut and we'll have no problem. You'll stay away from me and I'll stay as far as I can from you." Payton turned back and slammed the acceleration to get out of the middle of the street. She reached over and turned on the radio pretty loud to block out yelling from the back seat. Waters continued laughing from the passenger seat.

Payton slammed the door and tossed the keys to Waters. She then went running away toward a few of the guys going toward the back yard. Waters chuckled when he heard Tony muttering as he stepped from the car. Marcus came out the door.

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