Chapter Four -

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Chapter Four -

Payton woke the next morning with her arm feeling fine except for the slight sting around the wound. Opening her eyes, she looked around to see Neptune lying on the pillow next to her.

“Rotten cat,” she muttered under her breath as she pulled herself out of bed. Part of her wanted to laze around in bed, but her habits got the best of her. Her feet, on automatic, moved their way to the bathroom so that she could quickly change into her work out clothes.

As she walked into the gym, she barely stopped to nod to the guys waving and greeting her. Her mind focused on beating something into a bloody pulp. Quickly, she reached the punching bag and placed the gloves on her hands. She set to work with punching the bag at a steady but heavy pace. Her breath was heaving slightly as her pace began to quicken and her body became tense until it got use to the feel.

“Looks like P-girl’s in a mood today.” One of the men commented to another as all eyes turned to her figure moving at the bag. Her pace quickened with every punch and kick that hit the beaten bag. The younger De Luca twin, Gabe, kept his gaze on her as he worked with lifts. His brother had told him of what had happened the night before. He also knew about the graze on her arm.

 Damian sighed as he came walking through the doors with the Palsco brothers in front of him. Not saying a word, he looked toward his twin and saw the question in his eyes. Shaking his head softly, he turned away from the Palsco brothers to go talk to his own brother.

"You didn't tell Marcus?" Gabe asked in a low tone as soon as Damian took a place as his spotter.

Damian nodded, "I thought it'd be unwise. Marcus has been with his brother every time I've seen him and I know how Payton would react if Tony got a hold of this news. She doesn't particularly care for him."

Gabe agreed, though his eyes seemed to watch Payton. "She's really pushing it though. Her arm just got grazed." Damian nodded in consent to Gabe's worried voice. "I'm taking her to the mat."

Damian turned toward his usually joking brother to see a scowl laid across his features. "What are you-" Damian wasn't able to finish his statement. Gabe was already across the gym and hollering at the aggressive woman.

“You stupid woman. Get your ass on the mat.”

Payton froze in the middle of a punch and turned in shock. Gabe, her adopted brother, stood in front of her, his face grim and his eyes showing none of the mirth that was often accompanied with the gentleman. Her face dropped before she pulled her blank mask on.

“Stupid? No. Look in the mirror my dear friend,” she countered. Her voice  quiet but clearly annunciated. Though her face displaying nothing but arrogance, her body was coiled, ready for a fight.

“Look at what you are doing to yourself. You wound me. My brother did such a beautiful job on the wrapping and you are just beating at the poor bag.“ Gabe turned to motion toward one of the men; Elisio Masters. He was tall and lean. Moving with the grace of a cat, he seemed ready for anything. He took post as referee for the match. Gabe took his spot on one side of the mat while Payton took the opposite side.

“You know me. Reckless to a fault, brother,” she smirked before she began circling around. He followed suit. The men in the gym all stopped what they were doing and began to walk over and surround the mat. All watching, waiting, for the attacks to begin.

“Hell yeah. I feel for the guy who gets hold of your heart of stone. Poor sucker won't know what hit him,” Gabe replied with a mirthless grin.

“At least you know I won’t melt at the sight of any man.” Payton laughed, giving Gabe an opportunity to lunge forward and bring a kick to her knee. She dodged it, barely, and started throwing her punches out there. He blocked and jumped back only to bring a kick under her legs causing her to fall down. Rolling quickly, she jumped up and brought a roundhouse kick to his chest.

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