Chapter 5: A life long lie

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Hello again, y'all! I have returned! I kinda was shiny hunting for a while and captured one! Her name is Butter and she MAY be incorporated into the story. Anyway, I don't think this chapter is rated M but if you don't like hurt pokes, just skip a chunk. Let's a go!

"Oh my god..." Vixy stammered " It can't be... "

"Vixy, I can explain" Trick replied "I like to come here for the... View?"

"Liar." Tuks and Shrooms said gloomily.

At this point Tuks and Shrooms looked PISSED. They're expressions were as deadly as a Salamence and a Garchomps love child. With a gun. That shot bees. Made of acid.

Vixy, however was shocked. Was she... Deceived? Was this all some sort if trick? Trick... this is why he wanted everyone to call him that? I trusted him... I battled for him..!! I would've KILLED for him!!!! That fucking liar!! I knew him since level 3!

Vixy was having a flashback...

"Come at me, Fennekin! Or should I call you Fatakin!"A Croagunk was taunting her.

Vixy rushed to this bully only to miss and have them grab its tail.

"Say, Fatakin, I must tell ya' this.
The names Darrt."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I want you to remember my name. After all, it will be the last you will ever HEAR!!"

Darrt's hand glowed a bright orange and was jabbed into Vixy's neck.

"UWAAAAAAGH!!!" She screamed. Her eyes was closed but that wouldn't shut out the pain or the laughing. Or the two kids talking.

"Hey Trick, I got my starter! Its an Eevee! He's SUPER strong and... What the hell is that noise?"

A young Trick and another child who Vixy would often meet and battle with, emerged from the bushes.

"Oh my god! Its in trouble! Attack the Croagunk with tackle!"

The Eevee leapt at Darrt and knocked her over and surprised her enough to give Trick enough time to pick up the poisoned Fennekin.

"There's a place in Aquacorde which will heal that pokemon! Go there! I'll take out this pokemon!"

Trick ran like thunder to the healing center to heal Vixy.

"Here you go, all healed up! Oh, we noticed this pokemon has no trainer ID... She seems to like you. She's wild and is perfect for you. Why don't you catch her?"

Trick tapped her head with a poke ball and, sure enough, caught her.

Turks and Shrooms were slowly approching Trick.

"TRICK!" Vixy called out "I've known you nearly all my life... I need to now if you've been lying to us... Are you a Zoroark?"

Vixy was now holding a lit stick to his face.

"......... Yes...."

OH SMACARONI AND CHEESE, is this for real? Yes, it is. And will the trainer and Eevee return? .... Thank you for reading

-That Tricky Fox- (A Pokemon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now