Chapter 8: Element of Surprise

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Wow, Jason thought, Stephanie  Madison actually talked to me! This is awesome!  Which was exactly the point. The cutest girl ever has just talked to the one guy who wants to murder any bad guy that comes across him. He was so emotional that he wanted to just blow up the world. What was he gonna do? He was just paralyzed with emotions right now. For the first time in a long time, he felt.......happy.  He felt like he didn't want to murder anyone for a moment. He felt nice. Caring. Loving. However, like always, once a swarm of joy comes to him, it always leads to despair. Oh well. It was good while it lasted.

Anyways, as Jason was finishing up, he thought about what Stephanie said. About her having his back through tough times. He walked out the door, not realizing the Teen Titans were right there.

"Well, well, well," one of them said, "Look who it is - White Death himself."

"Piss off," Jason replied.

"Make me," the guy said.

Jason took a deep breathe and walked towards his building, when, out of nowhere, he felt a lead pipe smash against his skull. Not again, he thought, not this time. Not after what had happened. Jason jumped up, pretended to be hurt for a second, and then picked up an empty container (gasoline?) and chucked it at one of their noses! He felt great for some reason. Throwing gas tanks at people's faces really puts a smile on another dude's face (cough, cough, The Joker, cough). Now, they all looked mad, though. They ran at full speed and clobbered him. This time, though, they actually picked him up (well, dragged his body) and THREW him up the stairs. They must have taken their opposite-day pill, because they didn't hurt him so much physically, as they did verbally. Jason was being beaten into his own apartment. The one who spoke first when Jason left the work building bent down, getting closer to Jason.

"Here's a thought: how's about the only time you can leave that apartment are Sundays 4:00-5:00 AM? Deal?"

He didn't wait for an answer. He smashed Jason's face one last time with a pipe and left, laughing with his crew.

Jason thought about what he said. 4 to 5 in the morning on Sunday? That's insane! He set his alarm clock and had a strange dream.

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