chapter 1

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Cassie's POV: "I can't believe it, in one week we'll be married to them" I said to Jenna and we both had wide grins on our faces. "Its everything we ever wanted too" she said and I smiled even more. Our wedding was on Halloween and Dahvie and Jayy were going to walk in front of us singing Bewitched while Johnnie walked me and Jenna down the isle, and me and Jenna were going to be dressed as bloody brides. "Come on Cassie its going to storm soon we need to get home" Blake said and me and Jenna hugged and me and Blake walked over to our house. "I'm so excited" I said and he smiled. "Me too" he said and he kissed me. "I love you" he said and he kissed me again. "I love you too" I said and I kissed him back. This is all just like a big dream and I can't believe it came true. "What time is it" I asked and Blake checked his phone. "Only a little after five" he said and he plopped down on the couch. "I'll make a frozen pizza" I said and I walked into the kitchen. I got into the freezer and pulled out a pepperoni pizza and put it in the oven and I set the timer. "Don't let me forget about it this time" I said to Blake and I sat down on the couch and he laughed. "That was funny though how you almost burnt down the house" he said and I playfully punched him. I heard thunder rumble really loud and it scared me really bad. "You ok" Blake asked me and I shook my head no. "I need to restart my heart then I'll be fine" I said and he laughed. "I heard a beep" he said and I ran to the kitchen. "Yes, mission accomplished" I yelled as I took out the pizza.

The lights flickered and I saw Blake walk in and he stood beside me and he started to cut the pizza. "Aaaaand now the powers out" I said and he went to get a flashlight. "Don't leave me, something might try to murder me" I screamed and I ran after him. He grabbed a flashlight from our room and I looked out the window. It was really dark outside and the clouds looked really creepy. "Wow I haven't seen a storm this bad since" I started saying but I paused. "Since Australia" I said and I froze in place. "Its going to be fine"Blake said and he kissed me on the forehead. "Come on let's go eat" he said and we walked back into the kitchen. We ate the pizza and then we sat on the couch. "Now what do we do" I asked because there was nothing to do without power. "I thought you'd never ask" Blake said and he started kissing me. He pushed me so I was laying down and he continued to kiss me. He started sliding his hands up my shirt and I started freaking out. "Blake...I can't..not yet" I said and he pulled away from me. "I'm sorry" he said and I hugged him. "Its ok" I said and I pulled away and smiled at him. "After we're married" he asked and I laughed. "We'll see" I said and I laid my head in his lap. "I'm bored" I said and he laughed. "Well I tried to give you something to do but noooo" he said and I laughed. He started playing with my hair and he looked into my eyes. He leaned down and kissed me and pulled away and looked me in the eyes again. "Ugh fine" I said and he pulled me into our room.


Jenna's POV: Around 15 minutes after Cassie and Blake left the power went out and it scared the crap out of me because I was in the middle of a bath. It was pitch black in the bathroom and I HATE pitch black. "Matt can you might a candle in here" I asked and he walked in and lit a candle. "Stupid bubbles won't let me see anything" he said and I laughed. "That's because you're not supposed to see anything" I laughed again and he walked out. I hurried up and finished my bath before the store got really bad and I went to the kitchen. I grabbed a poptart and sat down at the table to eat it and Matt walked in. "We need more food" he said and I laughed. "Ya I have realized this" I said and I held up the poptart which was the flavor I hate. "Hey those are mine" he said and he snatched the second one from my hand. "Rude" I said and he laughed. I threw away the wrapper and I looked out the window. It hadn't started lightning yet but it thundered like every ten minutes. It looked like the storm was going to be bad judging by the clouds but since it isn't even windy then it should be fine. I checked the time on my phone and it was after 6:30, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do now since the powers out.

Cassie's POV: We laid in the bed under the covers and he was smiling. "Now was that so bad" he asked and I laughed. "I guess not" I said and he kissed me. "I'm tired" I said and I yawned. "Job well down" I heard him mumble to himself. I elbowed him and he laughed. "What I must have done good if you're tired" he said and he laughed. "Oh my gosh" I said and I turned away from him. "Crap" I said sitting up. "What" Blake asked alarmed. "You didn't use a I could get pregnant" I said and his face went blank. "Pregnancy test tomorrow ok" he said and I laid back down. "Ok" I said and I fell asleep.

The next morning

I woke up and I put on a pair of sweats and one of Blake's shirts because his were baggy on me. "I like that view" he said as I pulled the shirt on. "Perv" I said and he got up and got dressed too. "Let's go to Walmart" he said and he grabbed his keys for the truck. We got in the car and drove to Walmart. "Which ones do we get" he asked and I just looked at the boxes. "I don't know should we just grab a box" I said and he grabbed one that came with three. "Alright let's go" he said and we went up to the cash register. "Oooh looks like somebody's been doing something" the cashier said and I felt a little embarrassed. We paid for the tests and then we went home. "Here" he said and I went to the bathroom. I walked out and sat all three pregnancy tests down on the box. "Ok we have to wait five minutes let's hope for one line" I said and he crossed his fingers. "Wait what's one line" he asked and I laughed. "Its negative" I said and he looked hurt. "You don't want to have a kid with me" he said and I felt bad. "That's not what I mean I said it because I'm only 18 and Johnnie will have a heart attack" I said and he made an oh face. "Its been five minutes" he said and we looked at the tests.

Ok so it seems like this is a never ending book lol peace out girl/boy scouts

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