chapter 10

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Blake's POV: me Jenna and Jordan all ran off the bus after Cassie but we couldn't find her. We all split into different directions but we still couldn't find her. Eventually Johnnie and Matt came to help look but we still couldn't find and then Jenna disappeared too and that made us worry even more. Its never good when they both disappeared. "Guys you better cone see this" I heard Kyle yell from the bus and we all ran back to it. Cassie had posted a new video, saying she was quiting YouTube. She was outside somewhere but I'm not sure where. It was probably too late by now they could be anywhere. They probably ran away and will never come back. Yes they're 19 but they haven't changed from when they were 14. I was worried about Kohnnie and Jordon but the police were looking for them, so I knew we needed to look for Jenna and Cassie. We had the bus driver drive around as we all looked around to see if we saw them. I knew they weren't stupid they probably got a car they have enough money. I decided to call her which I already knew would be no use, she wasn't going to just pick up. We didn't know what to do besides just try and look for them, it was useless we all knew that. They are grown woman they could have went anywhere they wanted, or done anything they wanted. I could tell Johnnie was taking it the hardest. He was sitting on the couch crying into his knees and he refused to talk to anyone. Everyone else was very upset too but we wanted to at least try.

~three days later~

Cassie's POV: "its my old house" I said as Jenna pulled into the driveway. "It looks exactly the same" I said and we got out of the car. We walked into the house and there was everything from before. There was dust gathering everywhere around the house, nothing was missing except one thing. When we walked into the yard we were not greeted by my three dogs which tore at my heart. those dogs were my world and I knew that at least one of them was too old to be alive anymore. I walked into my old room and my stuff was untouched. I had been forced to share a room with my older sister, it surprised me she didn't move my stuff out of the room. Her stuff was still in there too, the closet full of my old clothes and my dresser filled with clothes. I lifted the mattress and there was my old diary. Me and Jenna looked through it and laughed, which felt good. It was a bunch of things just saying how much I love Johnnie Guilbert and how I wanted to be his future wife. I wrote the date on a empty sheet of paper and decided to write something.

"Hey 14 year old Cassie its me well you we're now 19 and wow do I have a story to tell you, we got kidnapped by Johnnie Guilbert and became a part of MDE we became his daughter along with Jenna and got married to Blake and had a daughter named Jordon except we are going to put that all behind us, me and Jenna are running away from our old life and starting new ones, yours truly me"

Jenna smiled and then we lifted the mattress and put the diary back. I looker at my phone and there was a bunch of things on twitter so I deleted. I deleted twitter, Snapchat, Kik, Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram. I didn't want to remember the past anymore. I continued to go through my old things. I opened the drawers of my stand that held my TV and it was filled with my favorite books. I found my old MP3 player and played some music out loud and me and Jenna both laughed. It was filled with so much old country music and then every now and then you would hear BOTDF, FIR, BVB, and MCR because Jenna loved to add her music to mine. I looked through my phone pictures, I couldn't delete the pictures I just couldn't. Me and Jenna took a picture together and decided we needed to go shopping. Now we need to get jobs because we will no linger make money from YouTube, which would be a really big loss. We got in the car and we drove to Walmart which was ten minutes away from my house. We were still in our clothes from three days ago and we hadn't taken showers and we were getting really grossed out. We were still in skinny jeans and band merch and we needed to change that.

We went into the clothes section and picked out ten outfits each. We each got three pairs of shoes and then we decided to by more things. We got food, shampoo and conditioner, and applied for jobs at Walmart. We paid and then we went to the hair place but we changed in their bathrooms first. I sat down in the chair and took one last look at myself, this was going to change me. She dyed my hair light brown and Jenna got hers dyed to dark brown. We went to the police station next and we had to ask to change our names. It was actually really stupid all we had to do was wrote the name we wanted and sign the papers. We went hone carried everything in and then I hopped into the shower. I took a 15 minute shower and then I let Jenna take one. I changed into some pajamas and sat down on the couch. I turned on the TV surprised the remote batteries weren't dead. We didn't have cable at the moment but there was still things recorded on the DVR. I decided to start watching The Nightmare On Elm Street. Jenna got put of the shower and sat down beside me. "Ok so whenever we're in public you have to call me Haley and I have to call you Bella" she said and I nodded.

This was so weird I already felt like none of that had happened. Did it?

Hiiii so um byeee peace out girl/boy scouts

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