chapter 14

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Cassie's POV: "did your dad really abuse you" he asked me and I looked down. "He did" he screamed and his face got bright red. "If he wasn't dead I would kill him" Blake said and I tried to calm him down. "Stop its ok it's over" I said and I forced him to lay down. "Just go to bed we can talk in the morning" I said and he looked really upset with me. "Fine but we will talk about it no matter what" Blake said and I turned the light off. "I love you" I said and I closed my eyes. "I love you too" I heard him say right before I drifted of into a deep sleep.

The next morning

I woke up and texted Jenna and told her to come over as soon as she could today but it was only nine so she was probably still asleep. Blake was awake and he was just staring at me. "Say something this is getting weird" I said and he broke the stare. "Why didn't you ever tell me this" he asked me and looked like he felt hurt. "I never really told anybody except Jenna, its not something I like to talk about" I said and he still looked upsher

"What do I have to tell you everything personal even if it hurts me so much to think about it" I asked him and he looked me in the eyes. "You're supposed to" Blake said and I immediately got ticked off. "Last time I checked I'm not your slave and you can't control me" I screamed and he stood up to. "Calm down" he said and he went to kiss me. "Get out" I screamed and he ran out of the house. I went and got Jordon and I just looked at her. "Its ok I promise nothing will ever happen to you" I said and I heard Jenna walk in. "What's wrong" she asked as soon as she saw me. You could probably tell that I had been crying. "Me and Blake got in a big fight" I said and she hugged me. "Today isn't the day to be fighting Cassie, its Halloween our one month" she said and I put Jordon down in her crib.

"Do you think he'll come back" I asked and she smiled. "Cassie I don't think he ever left" she said and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Come on let's go somewhere to get your mind off of it" she said and I picked up Jordon and put her in her car seat. "I'm going to go get Kohnnie see you in five in my car" she said and she ran out the door. I put her car seat in Jenna's car and sat down in the passenger seat and waited for her to get out. She put Kohnnie next to Jordon and she started driving off. "Where are we going" I asked and she smiled. "You'll see" she said and she never took her eyes off the road.

Jordan's POV: I got to Cassie's house because she had told me the day before to come but nobody was home. I went over to Jenna's and only Matt was there. It made no since its their anniversary they should be with their husbands. I decided to call Blake and see what was happening.

Blake: hey
Me: hi
Blake:why'd you call
Me: where are you Cassie said you wanted to meet at your house
Blake: me and her got in a big fight, I thought she would still be at the house but I'm not saying where I am
Me: ok well stay safe, I'll find her

I hung up and called Cassie next.

Cassie: what
Me: woah attitude much
Cassie: whatever
Me: where are you
Cassie: none of your business
Me: tell me

She hung up and I didn't blame her she was clearly upset about the fact that I had kissed her that one say and it probably didn't help that she got in a fight with Blake today out of all days.

Cassie's POV: "A costume store" I said and I laughed. "We always lived going to these back in Ohio" she said and we went inside. "Ok so tiny baby costumes and adult" I said and we started looking at the baby costumes. "Awww she's going to be a vampire" I said and I grabbed the costume. "He's going to be Frankenstein" Jenna said and she grabbed the costume. I ended up grabbing a vampire costume for me too and Jenna got a bride of Frankenstein costume. We paid for the costumes and then we went back to my house. "Jenna I wanted to talk about the whole YouTube thing" I said and we sat down on the couch. "Good I've been wanting to talk about it too" she said and I thought for a second. "I honestly have no idea if I want to be a youtuber anymore" I said and she nodded her head in agreement. "Ya its really fun and everything but we're grownups now, we need real jobs" she said and I totally understood what she meant. "Exactly but I don't think we will ever get to live normal lives now" I said and she agreed. "Come on let's make the video" I said and I got out my camera.

The videos

"Hey guys its Cassie and Jenna and as of now we are officially done being YouTubers" I said and I looked at her so she could say something. "We love you all so much its just we need to grow up and act Luke adults now" she said and she looked at me and we both started crying. "Well I guess this is it peace out girl scouts" I said and I ended the video.

After the video

Me and Jenna both bursted into tears when I ended it. I posted the video and instantly everyone started commenting on it. Most of them said they thought they would have never heard us say this and they were literally crying. I shut my laptop and grabbed my camera. I threw them in the room and grabbed my purse and put Jordon in her car seat. "Let's go find a job" I said and we got into my car. I always wanted to be a nurse so maybe I should go to college but no it might be hard since I have a kid. We drove around and I saw a sign at the Beauty Academy. That's where me and Jenna always got our hair dyed. Three spots available perfect. We went in and the ladies smiled. "You girls always come here what's the color you want this time" she asked and we smiled. "Actually we need jobs" Jenna said and she looked shocked. "I thought you guys are youtubers and make tons of money from that" she said looking confused. "We quit YouTube" I said and she looked shocked.

So in the end me and Blake got back together and stayed together. We had twins and named them Dahvie and Jayy. Black Veil Brides broke up because Andy went to jail. My chemical romance got back together and went on one tour around the US before they broke up again. And most importantly I got into Penn State where I was going to get to learn to be a nurse.

The end, I honestly don't think I am ever making another book to this again sorry but it turned into like a series *cough* I have a little secret for you if you pm me *cough* thanks for reading peace out girl/boy scouts

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