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"She was one woman, Thomas. Maybe its time you forgot about her."

Helen McCrory as Polly Gray in Peaky Blinders [Series 2 Episode 1]

I'm 90% sure that's the right episode but who knows...😁

And this chapter took me a long time to edit because I got side tracked, my bad.🙄


Tommy had been home for a day now. After resting, he fixed his mind on what he intended to do.

He had business with Theodore.


There was a knock on Theodore's office door.

"Yes?" he called.

Richard, his best friend, partner, and confidante, stepped inside. "Mr. Shelby is here to see you," he said.

Teddy tensed and stood from his desk. He had told Tommy that the next time he saw him, he would kill him. Tommy had big balls for coming here by himself.

Grabbing his weapon and loading it, Teddy said, "Send him in."

Hatred for Tommy darkened his heart and he was unable to concentrate on anything other than killing the man that had led to his niece's death.

Richard left the room and Teddy aimed his weapon at the doorway, preparing for Tommy to walk in.

Tommy stepped into the room and slowly put his hands up in surrender.

He was not afraid of Teddy's gun. Frankly, he was expecting it.

"Before you shoot," Tommy said slowly. "You should know that I know you lied to me."

"What?" Theodore asked, still aiming true.

"I know you're sister isn't dead," Tommy said.

"What?" Teddy asked.

Now he was really confused.

He began to lower his weapon but quickly aimed it again and said, "How do I know you're not lying to me?"

At this point, Tommy was annoyed. He was sick of all the deception.

He rolled his eyes and dropped his hands. "Teddy don't fucking play games with me, okay. I know. There's proof," he said. "You lied."

Teddy shook his head, truly confused. "What game are you playing, Shelby? Where is your proof?"

He did not understand why Tommy would play with his heart like this. Why would Tommy suggest his sister was still living and breathing when Tommy knew that he was in mourning?

Tommy was upset. He thought Teddy would have owned up to his lie by now.

"The proof is about to walk through my fucking door," he said. "I went to the hospital. I saw her room. She's still alive."

At this point, Teddy's heart was beating rapidly. If there was a possibility that he was not alone in this world...he had hope.

Slowly, he lowered his weapon.

"I'm...I'm sorry Tommy. I didn't know," he said.

Tommy was confused. "Who told you she was dead?" Tommy asked.

"One of my contacts. And I believed him," Tears welled up in Teddy's eyes. "I can't believe I believed him."

"Go down to London and see for yourself," Tommy said.

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