Snap Crackle Pop!

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Okay so here's the thing, I admire all the authors who write long chapters it's like binge watching Netflix and just when you think the episodes going to end they keep going. I'm trying to think about how I would like to read books so I'm adapting my style based on that. Enjoy reading!

"What?" I barely managed out. I stood there speechless and processed what he just told me.
Is this what Josh wanted to tell me?

"Nat say something, please," Josh stammered.
Aurora moved over towards Josh and looped her arm around his. Josh intertwined his fingers with hers. He moved closer towards me with a look of concern.

I avoided talking to them,"I uh need to go to the bathroom." I walked toward the bathroom and turned on the hot water, ready to take a hot shower. The hot water rushed over me and cleared my mind. I collected my thoughts and realized what I had to do. I shut the water off, wrapped a towel around myself, and put on my t shirt and shorts. Aurora talked to Josh from across the table, she cupped a mug of hot tea in her hands. Josh comforted her and rubbed her arm assuring her. I hate to do this. Here we go.

Josh heard my footsteps from my room and tried to talk to me again,"Natalie, please, don't be upset."

"Stop Josh, Aurora can I talk to you alone for a second?"I asked snidely.

"Yes, of course," she sweetly said. She seemed extremely nice, which is why I hated to do this.

I pulled her into the kitchen,"can you grab me some stuff from the drugstore?"

She let out a deep sigh,"yea anything you need."

"Can you buy me some ibuprofen, I whispered. She was taken back from my request, but she still managed to respond,"I guess."

"You can't tell Josh."

"I don't know about this..."


"Okay" Without another word she left. She honestly seemed like a nice girl.

Josh heard the door close and rushed over towards it.
"Josh wait, she left because she doesn't like me. She doesn't like me because she thinks I'm bratty and hates my guts."
"She doesn't like me." I narrowed my eyes and waited for his reaction
"...that's not possible...there's no way she'd say that...unless she."

This nightmare is almost over.

"Break up with her"


"Break up with her"

"What are you talking about"

"I'm saying break up with her. You're not serious about her, I'm what's most important to you right?"

"Nat you know your important to me."

"But I'm not the most important thing in your life?"

"I-I don't know now. I love her and I wouldn't have introduced you to her if I wasn't serious about her. At first it was fun to be around her, but now I look forward to seeing her. It's not like this starry eyed puppy love, Nat I'm serious..."

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