Chapter 25

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{Song in video: Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit}

"So what do you guys want to do?" I asked Amy and Alexis as we sat on my bed. "We've already played a ton of video games..."

Amy sighed. "I don't know," she said. "I'm just tired of staring at a screen all day; it's giving me a headache."

Alexis' face lit up. "I know what we can do!" she exclaimed giddily. "We can bake something, like a cake!"

"That sounds good," I said while nodding. "I'm always up for food."

"Sounds good to me," Amy said, nodding her head in agreement. We went downstairs into the kitchen and I pulled out a few recipes from my mom's cookbook.

"This looks good," Alexis said, pointing at a red velvet cake.

"Yeah it does. I'll check to see if we have any of the ingredients," I said as I walked over to the pantry. I looked around and noticed we only had white cake mix and vanilla frosting. "Um...we don't have the box or ingredients for the red velvet cake but we can make a vanilla cake."

"Oh okay, that sounds good," Amy said.

"There's ingredients on the back of this box," I said while preheating the oven. "Let's crank some tunes while doing this." I plugged in my iPod to the stereo and played "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. Afterwards, we brought out the ingredients and decided who would do what. Amy cracked the eggs and put it in the bowl, Alexis put the cake flour in the bowl, and I put the rest of the ingredients in there. We each took turns mixing the cake.

"Has Seth and Dylan asked you two to prom yet?" Alexis asked.

"Nope," Amy said, trying not to look disappointed.

I shook my head. "Nuh-uh," I said. "Has Cayden asked you?"

"No," Alexis said, sighing. "I wonder if they'll go to prom at all. It's coming up soon."

I shrugged. "Maybe they will, who knows."

"I just really want to go to prom." She had a pouty look on her face.

"You will," Amy said, flicking a little bit of the cake batter on her.

Alexis gasped. "Hey!" She tried flicking some cake batter on her but it landed on me instead.

"You're bad at aiming!" I exclaimed, laughing as I flicked some back to Alexis.

"Let's not get carried away. We need to bake this cake, not throw it." She had a serious look on her face. After a few seconds of silence, we burst out laughing. As we settled down, we saw Dylan, Seth, and Cayden walking toward us, each wearing a tux. We literally stopped everything that we were doing and gasped.

They faced in front of us and got down on one knee. "Will you go to prom with us?" they asked us at the same time.

"Yes!" we exclaimed, hugging our boyfriends.

"It's about time!" Amy exclaimed. She turned to Cayden. "Alexis was practically dying each day to get asked."

Alexis shot her a look and nudged her jokingly. "Don't tell him that!" she hissed, trying not to laugh.

"That was actually really cool," I said to Seth. "Did you all know we were here?"

"Yeah...we kind of snuck in your house, with Dylan's help of course, and changed into tuxes," Seth said, grinning.

"We had no clue you all were here," Alexis said. "Did you all plan this?"

"Yup, for a few weeks," Dylan said, casually putting his arm around Amy. "It was Seth's idea though."

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