After The Kiss

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"Oh.. Farkle.. buddy.. uh did you happen to, see anything that just happened..?" Lucas said, sounding worried.

"Not that anything bad happened, though." Maya quickly added.

"Oh I saw," Farkle answered, "you guys kissed!!"

"Shhhh," Maya and Lucas both exclaimed, "don't let Rylie know until we figure this all out."

"Well you can't keep it from her. You two obviously have feelings for each other." Farkle said.

"Farkle let me talk to you for a second in private." Lucas said, pulling Farkle's arm and bringing him off to the side.

Meanwhile, Maya stood still, thinking about what just happened.

"Farkle, I do like Maya, a lot. I feel bad because of Rylie but I think I'm in love with Maya."

"I love you too, cowboy."

Farkle and Lucas turn around quickly to see Maya standing in front of them. Maya runs and jumps into Lucas' arms, and they kiss once again until Farkle asks them, "What about Rylie?"
Maya and Lucas turn around and stare blankly at Farkle, not knowing what to do.

After moments of thinking, Farkle finally says, "Okay, I have a plan. You two just come over when you feel it's necessary. But come over after me."
Maya and Lucas looked at each other, then back at Farkle with a confused look. After a few seconds they say okay, and follow Farkle, without looking to suspicious.

"Hey, Rylie." Farkle says at arrival to the table.
"Hey Farkle! So where's maya an-"
Before Rylie could finish her sentence, Farkle pulls her in closer to him and kisses her. When they stopped kissing, Maya and Lucas walked over to the table and Rylie was staring into Farkle's eyes, before kissing him again.

Lucas and Maya stared at Rylie, then Rylie looked over at them feeling guilty about kissing Farkle again, but this time in front of Lucas. But then, Lucas smiled and put his arm around Maya, while Maya rested her head on his shoulder. Riley smiled and looked at Farkle. Nobody talked for a few minutes.

"So," Rylie finally said, "lucaya and riarkle, huh?"

Lucas laughed, then smiled at Maya and said, "Yeah, lucaya." Maya looked up at Lucas and smiled until he kissed her seconds later. After that, Farkle kissed Rylie and said "Yeah, riarkle. Forever and always."

A few minutes later, Topanga came over and asked if everyone was ready to leave. The gang nodded yes, then Lucas held Maya's hand and Farkle grabbed Rylie's hand. Topanga looked at them all confused.

"They come to the mall as rucas, Maya, and Farkle. But they leave as lucaya and riarkle?"

Topanga pondered on this thought before leaving and still thought about it when she got home. The kids went to Farkle's house, while Topanga went home.

When Cory saw the puzzled expression on Topanga's face, he asked what had happened at the mall.

"Riley ends up with Farkle?" Cory asked. "I like that idea better than Lucas and Riley." He adds.

"Yep," Topanga said, "I can't wait to see what happens next."


Just wanted to say...

Some people say that Lucas and Maya's ship name is "Laya" but I say "Lucaya" just to let you know!

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