whoops forgot i had wattpad

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Y'ALL IT'S BEEN ALMOST A YEAR WHAT'S GOOD?? i completely forgot about this and i just read it all again and i'm lowkey proud HAHAHAHA i actually remember writing all of this. i'll just say a few things about myself and i'm not as into gmw as i use to be but i feel like continuing this story will help with my writing skills and i love to write so i'll continue this.

ight well i just started high school and soccer season just ended which means track is coming up in a few weeks cuz i quit basketball so that's fun. i'm taking all honors classes #regret hockey will be starting soon too so i'm pretty excited for that. i've been dating my current boyfriend for almost two years now and we're still going strong so that's good. i hope y'all are doing good and i feel like nobody is going to read the rest of this but i'll continue anyways lmao. hope you do though.

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