5 months after the accident

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Everything is so strange; the last thing I remember is running out on Lucas because I was mad. I'm not sure why though. Whatever it was, it doesn't matter anymore. I'd still like to know, though. He clearly loves me. All of the nurses told me that he's been visiting me everyday and they told me how he reacted the day of the accident. I do remember the text I received from the strange number on that day, though. I need to talk to Lucas about it. There was something unsettling about it...

Clutterbucket is okay. I knew that she would feel better soon enough. Everyone was losing hope, but I stayed strong. I love her and I'm glad she's safe. I texted Rylie almost immediately after I saw Maya was awake.

***texts with Rylie and Lucas***

L: Maya is awake. I just came to see her and she was up.
R: Really?? Farkle and I are on our way!! This is great news; I can't wait to see my peaches.

Rylie just told me about Maya. I can't believe she's finally up. Lucas is still madly in love with her, I can't imagine how happy he must be right now.

***No POV; Rylie and Farkle arrive at the hospital and are now in Maya's room with Lucas and Maya***

"Peaches!!" Rylie squeals as she runs over and hugs Maya. "You're okay!!"

"Of course I am, I might have a broken heart but the rest of me is pretty strong." Maya tiredly states.

"Except for your leg, ankle, and a few ribs." Farkle jokingly adds.

"Ha. I guess so. Can you and Rylie give us a minute? I want to ask Lucas something." Maya quietly asks.

***Farkle and Rylie leave the room and wait in the hallway.***

"What's wrong? You know, besides everything." Lucas says with a smile.

Maya gets real quiet for a minute. Then, she finally says "Lucas.. the night of my accident.. what was I running from?"

Now it was Lucas' turn to get quiet. He didn't know what to say because he didn't want Maya to get mad at him. He finally decided to say something.

"Maya.. you saw me and Missy.. kissing.."


hey guys!! sorry i didn't update earlier, my town lost power and i didn't have school and i didn't want to kill my battery. it's all good now though, my power is back and i was able to get this short chapter done but i still have to shower and study for my history test tomorrow.

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