DAY 3 - Matthew 7:1

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"Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you" (Matthew 7:1)
(Jangan kamu menghakimi supaya kamu tidak dihakimi ( Matius 7:1)

This is a solemn reminder to all of us when passing judgment to others.

For God says - "For God will judge you in the same way as you judge others, and he will apply to you the same rules you apply to others" (Matthew 7:2)

(Karena dengan penghakiman yang kamu pakai untuk menghakimi, kamu akan dihakimi dan ukuran yang kamu pakai untuk mengukur akan diukurkan kepada kamu (Matius 7 : 2)

Therefore, we should be very careful not to judge others lest the judgment we meted out would be the one we received later.

And again he says - "Why then, do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, and pay no attention to the log in your own eyes?" (Matthew 7:3)
(Mengapakah engkau melihat selumbar di mata saudara mu, sedangkan balok di dalam Mata mu tidak engkau ketahui. (Matius 7:3)

Therefore, having known that, are we not to advice our brothers of his wrongdoing,?

By all means YES. We, as Christians have the obligation to counsel, advice and rebuke our brothers BUT all these ought to be done with great CARE and with LOVE because our purpose is not to belittle him but to win him over to the Lord.

This obligation must be adhere. Failure to do so will result in adverse effects.

God forewarned:"How dare you say to our brother,"Please let me take the speck out of your eye, when you have a log in your own eye?" (Matthew 7:4)

(Mengapakah engkau melihat selumbar di mata saudara mu, sedangkan balok di dalam mata mu tidak engkau ketahui (Matius 7:3)

So the right approach is a must for the Lord has spoken - "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eyes, and then you will be able to see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye (Matthew 7:6)

(Hai orang munafik, keluarkanlah dahulu balok dari mata mu, maka engkau akan melihat dengan jelas untuk mengeluarkan selumbar itu dari mata saudaramu (Matius 7:5)

So let us humble ourselves before the Lord. Let the Lord take away the 'log' from our eyes and only then; we are counted worthy - to help our brothers!

May the Lord cleanse our words, action and thought!

Author's notes:
Thank you for your patience. I was away in Brunei for a few days which explains the reason for late posting. I promise to make up for the days lost.

But most important, keep on reading, apply these in our everyday life and do not forget to ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit. He is our counselor and guide to God's truth in Jesus' name we pray.

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