Harry's POV
"How do you feel about the tour being pushed back Haz?" Louis asked as we walked in the door from the latest meeting.
"I don't know.. I was really excited to tour again, but I guess we have more time to bum around" I shrugged. Management made a stuff up with the tour and now they have to push it all back a month. Once fans find out I think they're going to be a little outraged when they find out though. Oh well, saves me spending all night packing. I glanced over to my computer that was currently being lit up by an incoming skype call.
Tiarna Jane is calling you.
I got all giddy and excited, then accepted the call.
"Tiarna!" Louis cheered behind me, running around the lounge and giving the screen a hug.
"Louis!" She yelled back. "Lou, you're smothering me!" She joked. I slapped him on the butt to move him out of the way.
"Harry, not infront of Tiarna" he frowned, jokingly. I rolled my eyes, then focused back to the screen.
"Hey!" I grinned
"Hey there!" She smiled back. It looked like she was ready for bed. Her hair fell either side of her infactuating face, and she wore a baggy shirt that fell off her shoulder perfectly showing her slight collarbones.
"And what do I owe the pleasure for this unexpected call?"
"Wellll, I'd say good luck on your big tour! Hooraaaaaay!" She cheered
"Thanks babe, but we have to save the farewells for another month.." I sighed.
"Wha?" She asked, confused. Which was simply adorable.
"Yeah, management stuffed it up and now we have to wait another month.. But that's ok! Hopefully we'll get to say a proper good bye?" I placed the laptop on my bed, stripping off my jeans and throwing some comfy sweat pants on before jumping onto the bed.
"That sounds bliss!" Her smile soon dropped.
"What is it?" I asked concerned.
"Oh.. nothing.. I'm just going to miss you, that's all." she let out a deep breathe. I felt like that wasn't it, but I shrugged it off. I tried to not think about the fact that I won't be seeing Tiarna for months on end. She's been away for only a week and even though we talk all the time, I miss having her around.
"I'll miss you too TJ, when will you be home?"
"Well, Mum seems to be holding up fine. She's back to her old self, she's even come home today.. But she'll have to be under supervision for a little longer, but I'll hopefully come back soon.." she played with the hem of her shirt. She let out a big yawn then got comfortable in bed, placing the laptop next to her. Her eye's started getting droopy. But I could tell she was trying her hardest to stay awake and continue the conversation.
I could tell she was exhausted. All week she's been visiting old friends and her mother, as well as talking to doctors and arranging therapy appointments.
"Well, I better go" She yawned again. "Talk to you later Haz, miss you" She smiled then ended the call.
Tiarnas POV
I continued reading through the hate I saw receiving on twitter.
'You ruined Haylor. Go die, you stupid bitch'
'Tiarna Jane can just die. She's an ugly home wrecker.'
Welllllll then. Haters gon' hate! As I closed my laptop, I heard a faint knock on the door.
"Come in!" I called out. Mum peeked her head through the door.
"Oh good, you're off the computer, I was just about to come tell you to get off." She smiled "Just like I used to when you were 16 and constantly lurking those boys!" She giggled.
"I told you Harry would fall dramatically in love with me one day!" I joked.
"I know, and I completely believed you!" She giggled again. I was glad to see her as her happy usual self. Like nothing had changed.
"I'm just about to head off to bed, but I forgot to give you this earlier." She handed me a card and a small box. "Happy late 18th Birthday sweetie" She smiled, waiting for me to open it. "This one's from your Dad"
I looked at her, a little confused. I first opened the card. She was right.
"Dear TJ,
Happy 18th Birthday Darlin'. I hope you've had a wonderful day!
I know I'm not there to celebrate it with you, and I hate myself for it.
You're such a rough little tom-boy at the moment. I can't imagine you as a young adult!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy your present, and maybe use the money to see it yourself.
Happy Birthday sweetie. I love you always.
P.s. Even though you're 18, that doesn't mean you're not Daddy's Little Girl anymore..
Dad xoxo''
A few happy/sad tears ran down my cheeks. Inside the little box was a necklace, with the Eiffel Tower dangling off the chain. I smiled. He remembered me mentioning traveling around Europe.. I couldn't contain my emotions. Not to mention I was overly tired.
"Look inside the envelope" Mum whispered, a spark glistened in her eye.
I did as she told, and looked in the envelop. A small long piece of paper hid in there. I slipped it out.
Cheque for: Tiarna Jane
Containing: $20,000
My mouth dropped, and my hand indistinctly covered it. I looked at Mum with pure shock. She was grinning, slightly biting her lip.
"Mum!!!" I screamed, taking her in a hug. She was a little taken back by the action, but hugged back.
This is a very short chapter, I'm sorry!
I'll update again tomorrow though, and it will be longer. I promise :) xxx

Where it all began
FanfictionOne night, Harry and Louis decide to do a twitcam, followed by their usual pranking routine. They call a random number from their tweets and end up calling a girl called Tiarna. Harry stupidly forgets to put his phone on private, so Tiarna has no ch...