Chapter 2 - The Date.

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Violet's Pov

"Haley wake up, I'm late to work and you have to meet Chad at 10 and its 9.30"

She looked at me with her sleepy eyes and groaned. She threw a pillow at me for not waking her up earlier.

"Violeeetttt!!!" She yelled and got up to look for her jeans. "I so hate you right now, you know how long I take to get ready and half an hour is not enough."

"I'M SORRY GIRL!!!" I yelled from the bathroom while doing my makeup. Today was a special day for Haley and Chad. It's their 7 year anniversary and she was planning to surprise him at Starbucks and she booked the whole place.

"Oh my god Vy" she came to the bathroom looking at her phone with one hand on her mouth.

"What? What? Tell me!!" I came close to her to see why she was in shock. Then I got the same expression. She was on Twitter and everyone was talking about how 'Cameron Dallas' is in New York for the week for some photoshoot.

Did I forget to mention that he's famous now? Yes he is famous and it kills me that now my chance with him is a never.

"Vy we have to go see him, please please please!!!" She started begging and pouting but she knew my answer.

"No Haley you know I don't want to see him, what if he doesn't remember us? I'll just feel worse about it." I was looking for my purse to head to work.

"Ugh Vy!!! Fine I'll talk to you after work about this." She went to finish her makeup and I went to work.

Thankfully I live 10 minutes away from where I work so if my boss David asked I'll just say I overslept besides its a Monday and I'm late like 10 minutes.

As I entered to go get my apron and notepad , I get a tap on my back and I turn around to see a familiar face that I never expected to see.

"Cameron." I looked at him and smiled , maybe he remembers me and he came to say hi knowing I work here.

"Uh excuse me, I've been waiting for like 10 minutes here where's my menu?" He snapped at me to stop starring at him. I couldn't stop he was just so beautiful. "Hello..." He looked at my name tag. "Violet??"

"Oh my gosh, so sorry I'll get you the menu right away." I went to get the menu for him but I was so hurt that he didn't remember me. I gave him the menu and he then says "Can I just have an ice latte to go?"

I looked at him in surprise and looked outside the window to check the weather and I was right, it's snowing outside. "It's like -4 degrees outside are you insane?"

"Did I ask for your opinion? I just asked for the latte." He looks at me harshly and waves his hand at me telling me to go get his coffee.

"Don't be surprised if you taste a little of spit in there." I turned around and went to get his coffee. He didn't even say a word I saw a smirk on his face though. I had to make his latte , as much as I wanted to spit in it I couldn't do that to him.

"Here you go." I gave him the latte and rolled my eyes at him but as I was leaving, he held my hand and pulled me back. "It's Violet right?" I just looked at him and said "yeah it is" trying to act as cool as possible.

"I really like you, I'm sure you know who I am and you still treated me like a normal person. Would you like to go out with me? You can be my reason to stay in New York for a while I like it here and maybe you can show me around sometime." I just looked at him while he's waiting for my answer. I really wanted to go out with him but I had to remind him who I am and how he called me ugly 3 years ago.

"I can't believe you don't remember me!" I put my hands on my head trying not to cry.

"Am I supposed to remember you?" He said all confused.

"I'm the girl who sat behind you in every class during senior year. The girl you called ugly." I folded my arms trying to be mad at him but I can't , I love him so much.

"No freaking way!!" He was so shocked that I saw his eyes about to fall out of his head. "Can I just start by saying I'm so sorry for how I treated you in high school and please go out with me tonight?"

"I've been waiting for that apology for years, and my answer is a no for tonight I have to go to a friends party." I pointed at Haley as she entered and told him she was the friend.

"Well I guess I'll pick you up later for this party. Where is the location?" He stood up to leave , his hair was on his face so he put his hand threw it to pull it back.

"It's here!" Haley interrupted me. "It's here"!

"Haley shut up. But yes it's here and you don't need to pick me up you can just meet me here."

"It's a date then. Sorry about earlier and I really hope you didn't spit in my coffee." He turned around smiled and waved to Haley and I then he left.

Haley just stood there , grabbing my arm waiting for me to talk. I just stood back and looked at her without saying anything.

"What the hell are you waiting for? Tell me everything!!"

This is all for the second chapter I hope you like it , vote for me and comment any ideas for the date , if they should continue it at Starbucks at Haley's party or somewhere else. I'd appreciate it if you guys voted and shared this. Thankyou for everyone who reads this :)

Sherin El-Ali

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