Coming Out

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Coming out is a deeply personal, and often terrifying, experience. It's perfectly normal to be worried about coming out, and it's OK to take your time. Coming out as transgender is different to coming out as gay or lesbian, because no matter what happens, something is going to change. Even if your parents are accepting, a lot is going to change in your life. But hopefully, those changes will be good.

Always have a backup plan. If you're coming out to family, make sure you have a supportive group of friends. Make sure you have a bag packed and a friend you can stay with for the night, just in case the worst comes to the worst.

Don't come out if your in danger. If you're under 18 and you think you'll be kicked out of the house, or if someone will physically hurt you, you should stay in the closet for your own safety.

There are two ways to come out: by letter, or in person. Let's look at letters first. Make sure you explain what you're feeling. Assure your parents that you'll always be the same child they know and love - just happier. Also, of you were a tomboy as a child, out if you always wanted to be a boy, explain that too.

If you're coming out in person, I wouldn't advise coming out to everyone at once. Come out to one person at a time on a calm, safe environment. Tell your most supportive family member first. Don't just say "I'm transgender", because that night confuse them. It's much better to explain how you feel and what you're going through, before you actually say you want to transition.

You also might want to give examples of transgender people, like Laverne Cox. If your parents think you are to young to know, tell them about Jazz Jennings, a transgender girl who transitioned at six. If you've never heard of her, look her up; she's really inspiring.

That's all my advice on coming out. Vote or comment if you liked it; I'd really appreciate it! You can always message me if you need to talk or just want to be friends!


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