Picking a Name

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This can be a difficult part of being transgender. It's important to pick a name that really feels right for you. It's good to get supportive friends and family to call you by your chosen name to see whether you like it.

Don't worry if you've already chosen a name, but feel it doesn't suit you. It's normal for trans people to go through phases with names; I myself have tried Casper, Rowan, Alex, Felix, and finally Leo.

One way to go about it is to pick a name close to your birth name, for example Georgina to George, or Alexia to Alex. You could also choose a name with a similar sound or meaning - go on baby name websites to find names and their meanings.

You could also pick the name your parents would have called you if you'd been born a boy. If you don't know, simply ask them; even if you're not out yet, they'll assume you're just curious.

You could just choose a name you like, as I did. Again, use baby name websites, and check the meanings too.

Well, that's all my knowledge on picking a name. Good luck!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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