Fire and Fury

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This is my favourite one. Whenever I read it to myself, it always portrays a vivid picture of what's going on. Enjoy!

They say that we are who we chose to be,
And so a chance to see us free.

Scouring the depths for heaven's key,
Fearing the wrath of Hell's lance,
Believing in just what they see,
Losing grip on their last stance.

But there are, who lean on each other,
From the shadows they arrive,
On the brink of being torn asunder,
Though ready for that one last dive.

Past all the fire and fury, we survived,
And after all the inferno, we realise,
That we can count on each other, like we thrived,
To get the job done when hopes die.

We might be going straight to Hell's door,
Because some things are just worth fighting for.

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