Helpin' Out

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   Aye folks! Just would like to talk about "helping" in a couple of sentences. Pretty influential in our life, so can be a great habit to get used to.

   Well first thing's first: what is helping?
Helping, as a technical definition, is providing services to a client or companion in a fairly amiable manner.
Though this definition just sounds somewhat... specific and way too formal. Helping is simply easing someone's life in exchange of a small amount of time.
   Helping can be expressed in numerous ways: Cooking with your mum, studying with your siblings is you got any, doing a favour for a friend, or even making your girl/boy smile; there are so many, only a miniscule amount was just listed.

   Now what prevents or, in fact, distracts us from being able to be more involved in helping is simply... the necessity of making a choice. The choice between helping others or yourself, first.
   As much as we want to help others, we sometimes too got to take a look at ourselves as well. No point running to take a bullet for someone if you don't survive, and if you don't but manage to save the person, this person will have through a whole life sorrow and regret. This is only an example, but the same thing happens with any other examples; and that's giving up yourself for others.
So we need to ask the big question: Is it really worth it?
   This is a mere choice that one's instincts should decide, we all are unique when it comes to judgement and thinking.

   We all sure would like to take part in helping people. And most of the times, when you help out someone, you expect this "someone" to help you, when needed. In lot of scenarios, they would most definitely do so. Unfortunately, some don't bother, probably because they are lazy, insolent, and uncaring, or they have some sort of grudge against you personally.
   Now something you gotta know, is that even if you have someone like this in your life, always help them; even if they tend to reject it. Over time, they'll eventually think about how people helped them, and soon will start to feel regret in their actions. When they are in this state, do not tempt them into a calmer state. Instead let time do its job, and they'll find their pure nature inside of them. Even in the darkest of places, there always rests a spark... a spark of imagination.

   This topic is kind of complicated and perplexing if you are to generalise it, in my opinion of course. Because anything that has to do with our thoughts, are just endless. That's the thing with imagination, there's always more to it.
Keep on helping, ladies and gentlemen.    We all have the capability, just a bit of spirit is what we need. Hope guys learned a thing or few from this. (I too learned a bit when I kept on dwelling on this)

   I hope you guys liked this, understood, and learned something from it. I might have made some statements that don't go with the majority of people, they come rather from myself as an individual entity.
   Click on that star if you enjoyed or learnt something. Feel free to comment anything too, from not having understood something to sharing your thoughts on topic. Tell your friends about the page if you want to get them into poetry or inspirational writing, or if you wanna start out too; feel free to pm me :)
Thank you very much, folks! Jolly good day! - MS

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