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dear diary,
today i felt very lonely. i shouldn't be feeling lonely when i know i have such great friends, but i don't know, i just still feel empty. it's like a darkness is slowly engulfing my whole life. every aspect of my fairly short lifetime is being taken over and i can't take control. there is this one friend that makes me feel like all this darkness is gone whenever she speaks to me. her name is aphmau, i love her, but i don't think she returns those feelings back. i can understand though, i'm nothing and she's something.
anyways about my day, when i went to check the mail this morning, i saw aphmau there with her close friend aaron. i heard a while ago that he opened up to her about his problems and a bond formed between them. someday i wish i could have the courage to do that.
aphmau probably loves him more then she could ever love me, it hurts knowing
that, but as long as she is happy.
yours sincerely,

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