"I hear whispering" Mr. Callaway looked up examining the wonderful students who decided to grace him with their presence... after school, aren't we nice?. He then pushed up his glasses from the tip of his nose and went back to having his head in his book of 'Conceptual Physics'. There were only 5 of us including me, Mr. Callaway had dispersed us around the classroom so we wouldn't feel the need to speak. Only one problem, we have this thing nowadays called phones. They're pretty cool, mine allows me to send funny snaps of Mr. Callaway with funny captions to my best friend who is across the room 4 tables away holding in her laugh while French braiding her red hair.
Sir put me at the center at the very back of the class. To my right 3 tables down is Zach O'Brien the school's bad boy, to my left 3 tables down is bad boy's best friend, bad boy 2 Connor Gregory and at the very front is Trent Parker bad boy 3. It's no surprise that they're here, I mean anyone who would put a stink bomb in a teachers car would obviously be in detention. I'm honestly really surprised that they didn't get suspended. My phone vibrated and it lit up with a message from Connor to Vic and I on a group chat he made with us along with Zach and Trent.
"Hey, there's a party going on tonight you two wanna come? - Connor"
"How do you have my phone number?- Erica"
"He's Connor ,are you really asking that Ricky? -Trent"
"You gave it to him didn't you?- Erica"
"You two coming or what?- Zach"
"Yeah we'll come! - Vic xx"
I looked up to look at Victoria who was already looking at me, with a pleading expression plastered on her face. She's had a crush on Zach since 8th grade when he stood up for her when the schools mean girl Ashley Thomson was bad mouthing her in front of the whole cafeteria. I rolled my eyes at her and she mouthed a thank you before turning to look at Zach who was looking at her the whole time. Victoria turned bright pink and tried to cover her face from embarrassment.
My phone vibrated again this time with a message from an unknown number saying:
"Be careful."
I stared at the text with a puzzled face and just came to the conclusion that I was being pranked by some immature kids. "Detention's over, you may leave now. I hope you've all learnt your lesson". Trent mumbled something under his breath which got him a glare from Mr. Callaway resulting to me laughing at him. Vic and I wouldn't say that we we're popular or anything, we've been invited to most of the parties this year. We kind off talk to the popular kids sometimes but we don't really hang out with them unless they invite us out with them somewhere. Vic and I were really good friends with Trent as kids until Connor moved here to California from Florida and stole him away. At least that's what we keep telling Connor off for as a joke, it annoys him but it's amusing to us and Trent.
We made our way out of the classroom and into the parking lot. After the mysterious text, Vic asked If she could come over to mine after she's finished getting ready for the party. I agreed, mostly because I was going to need help choosing something to wear and she knew that. We made our way to Victoria's car and I suddenly had this strange feeling in my stomach, like I was being watched. I turned to look around only to find a mysterious figure across the road watching me. He was wearing a black hoodie with a pair of blue jeans and converse. From what I could make out, he was around my age. I couldn't help having the feeling that I knew him or know him, Suddenly, a bus appeared consequently blocking my view of the unknown figure I felt drawn to. I waited for the bus to pass so I could further continue my intrigued curiosity towards the boy.
He was gone.
He disappeared.
"You coming?" I looked back to see my best friend waiting for me in the car- second person who had to wait for me in the car in just a day, I need a medal- "Yeah coming". I climbed into the passenger seat and she turned to give me a serious expression "You okay? You seem out of it" I appreciated her concern but I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell her about the unknown text and the mystery boy. "Just anxious for the party" I laughed nervously "umm.. about that" she played with her fingers which was something she did when she was hiding something. She noticed me watching her fingers and she quickly hid them by crossing her arms, "What?" I was getting impatient to know what she was so nervous about "The party is umm... well... it's..." "Victoria spill it!"
"It's a pool party."
My face sunk-no pun intended- and my heart dropped.I can't swim.
"Erica please? You don't have to swim"
"Vic sweetheart, it's called a pool party for a reason! Not swimming at a pool party kind off takes away the meaning to the name " I leaned back in my chair and sighed.
"Please? Zach told me that he hopes to see me there tonight". Zach, Connor and Trent are all generally nice guys besides all their practical jokes they aren't so bad once you've gotten to know them. They aren't perfect but they're better than most of the play boys in our grade.
Henceforth, I ended up at the party that evening and almost lost my life in the process.
♈️ ♈️ ♈️ ♈️

Destiny hurts
Short StoryErica Evans is your everyday, average, misunderstood and some may say "normal" teenager. However, all of that changes when her 18th birthday comes up. A faceless figure is lurking in the shadows. And what Erica doesn't know is that her whole entire...