"That looks great!" Vic said for the fifth time, after my fifth costume change...I disagreed. She got here half an hour ago wearing her blue Aztec patterned halter top with a pair of denim shorts. She had on her neon triangle bikini underneath and had braided her long flaming hair in a fish braid down her back.
Ever since then, we've been scavenging through my closet looking for something cute for me to wear. Now I was changing into my sixth costume, I put on my blue high waisted shorts with my black and white Aztec patterned halter top with my blue bandeau bikini underneath.
"Ricky! You need to wear that!" Vic exclaimed jumping off my bed almost flinging her silver sandals across the room as I exited the bathroom.
"We could coordinate!" she gestured to both mine and her outfit. I'm not what you would call a "Victoria's secret model" but, I'd done gymnastics for 10 years and I was on my school's track team until last year so, I kept in shape.
It was now 7:00 pm and the party started at 8:00, we decided to leave early considering that we would most likely get lost along the way, even though the party is only 20 minutes away.
We walked into the living room to find Emily sitting at her art table coloring in a picture of Yoda from Star Wars- typical of her- with Hercules sleeping comfortably beside her, Mum and Dad were sitting on the sofa watching The 100 and Ender was in the kitchen talking on the phone and pacing back and forth.
Ender took a week off of work to be here for my birthday and graduation, I was really grateful for that.
"I'll be back before midnight" I went over to my sister and hugged her before heading towards my parents and hugging them both.
"Have fun sweetie" Mum said kissing me on the forehead.
"Keep her away from water Vicky" Dad said jokingly but with concern to Vic.
Whom just replied with a "I'll make sure she doesn't get wet Mr. T"
My Brother started laughing from the kitchen resulting to me face palming and looking at Vic who was blushing like crazy.
"You know what I mean!" she shouted towards the kitchen at Ender who came out in a fit of laughter
"Yeah I know what you mean Vicky" Ender said to Vic with a smug look on his face.
Ender and my Dad, Thomas Evans are the only two people who call Victoria, Vicky. She's never really liked anyone calling her Vicky besides my brother and Dad who have been calling her that since we were kids and it's sort of stuck, they don't call her anything else. I don't call her Vicky because when we were kids we would get made fun of and would be called the Icky twins, it wasn't even that smart of a joke- dumb 1st graders- since then we've just been Ricky and Vic. Plus she thinks Vic suits her better. My Mum, Eleanor Evans calls Vic sweetie or darling, she's like that.
Mum is a Therapist, she loves listening to people tell their stories, but most of all she loves helping them. She's a generally chilled out person, however, that doesn't mean that she won't get upset when I "accidentally" break her precious vase in a game of Let's Run Around the House or a game of Hit the Sibling With the Pillow. Well to my defense, Emily came up with the game, not me...maybe I kind off gave her the idea, it still wasn't my fault, the vase was the one who decided to fall-- thank you gravity.
Dad is a Fireman at the Los Angeles fire department, whenever he gets called out to go save peoples lives I get scared out of my mind but at the same time I feel proud of him. Dad's a strong person, he's brave but he is super over protective over Em and I, like any Dad would be.
"Bye, love you" I waved before walking out the door following Vic to her black Jeep parked in the driveway.
♐️ ♐️ ♐️ ♐️

Destiny hurts
Short StoryErica Evans is your everyday, average, misunderstood and some may say "normal" teenager. However, all of that changes when her 18th birthday comes up. A faceless figure is lurking in the shadows. And what Erica doesn't know is that her whole entire...