"Good morning!!!" I groaned with annoyance, as my little sister continued jumping on my bed screaming at the top of her lungs."Go away Emily!!!" I screamed as I slammed her with my pillow causing her to only fall back down on my bed in a fit of giggles.
"Mum's calling you for breakfast Ricky" she sang with her adorable- nope, I'm annoyed.
"You need to get out of my room before I call the cops for breaking and entering!" And with that she ran out of my room and the last thing I saw were her little pigtails zipping round the corner towards the stairs. I laughed under my breath and closed my eyes for another 5 minutes, I mean 5 more minutes wouldn't hurt, right?
"Erica Anne Evans! School starts in 10 minutes!! What's taking you so long?!" Mum has this tendency to over exaggerate things. I actually had 11 minutes and 30 seconds! I rushed out of bed, grabbed a pair of jeans, a jumper, brushed my teeth, showered myself in perfume, looked in the mirror and tied my curly brown hair in a messy bun and ran downstairs almost tripping over Hercules, my little sunshine and the only boy in my life. The golden retriever followed me into the kitchen as I grabbed a cereal bar and my lunch from the counter, trying to avoid the lecture from my parents about how I need to be more responsible, how I am going to be an adult in 3 days and that I need to pull myself together. It's the same everyday. Yesterday it was 4 days the day before 5, you get the gist.
I grabbed my shoes and ran to the car, where my older brother Ender was impatiently waiting for me with my little sister strapped into her my little pony car seat laughing at me. I got into the passengers seat beside my brother and apologized and all I got was a smile and a "Remind me to get you an alarm clock for your birthday sis" I laughed and we reversed out of the driveway onto the busy road.
"Drag me down" was playing and I was humming to it while Emily was full on singing it, each time she sang the wrong lyrics my brother and I would laugh. Emily is in kinder garden and is one of the smartest 4 year olds I know. I'm not just saying that because she's my sister. She really is a genius. My brother Ender just turned 26 last month and is a defense attorney. He keeps the good guys from being accused for things they didn't commit, or as my sister puts it "My brother is superman! He kicks bad guy's butts into jail!".
I don't know what I want to be when I'm older.
My parents told me to "follow my heart", I followed it and got lost in a maze- thank you very much- and I ran through the maze looking for my heart and got lost even more, don't know how it was possible but I did. I thought that I wanted to be a marine biologist or veterinarian or something that allows me to work with animals. However I ended up changing my mind. I've always felt like something was wrong with me. I look at things differently to everyone else, I see things differently, I think differently. I'm different. I graduate in less than a week and I still don't know what I'm going to do with my life.
We pulled up into the schools parking lot and I grabbed my bags and took Emily out of her car seat. I said a quick goodbye to my brother as I dragged my sister to her classroom before kissing her on the cheek and apologizing to her teacher for her tardiness. Me being me I couldn't let her think that it was my fault-again- that Emily was late so I told a little white lie and said that it was traffic (I'm so smart). As soon as she accepted the apology I ran to my building across the road and made my way to Mr. Callaway's Science class.
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"Ms. Evans!, nice of you to show up" Mr. Callaway boomed as I entered the class trying my hardest not to be noticed, key word "trying".
"Let me guess, traffic?" I looked at him and gave him an awkward smile "Okay, okay, maybe I've used that excuse once or twice" and then to the rescue came the best friend "By once or twice" Victoria air quoted "she means maybe a couple of hundred times". I couldn't help but laugh at my best friends attempt of saving me with Justin Bieber lyrics. Neither could the rest of the class as they joined in.
"Alright! Settle down, take your seats Ms. Evans and Ms. Rachel" he gave us a look as Vic and I made our way to our seats. Once Mr. Callaway turned his back to continue on about how a graviton travels through space Vic pushed her long red hair over her shoulders and looked at me with concern "How you doing?" she gave me a sympathetic look.
Victoria and I have been best friends since pre school and funny story about how this friendship came to be. It started with Billy Norman stealing my recorder in the playground and running away with it into the boys bathroom. Obviously I wouldn't go into the boys bathroom however, as for Victoria Rebecca Rachel the rebel of recess and "Queen" of the playground would . She came to the rescue and saved my poor recorder. From then on our friendship bloomed and blossomed into a beautiful mutated flower.
I looked up at the blue eyes still looking at me "I'm good" I lied.
"Ricky, I know you. You can tell me, what's up?" I sighed and knew that I had to tell her.
"Vic we graduate in 4 days, I turn 18 in 3. I feel so lost... I don't fit in. I'm not normal" I made sure to emphasize normal which made her laugh under her breath "I wouldn't be friends with you if you were normal Ricky".
I knew that she was trying to make me feel better it's what she was best at "I'm being serious Victoria" "Uh oh" she raised her hands in surrender "I know you're being serious when you use my full name" I looked forward to find Mr. Callaway glaring at Vic and I and, no kidding but I legit saw steam coming out of his nose.
"Ms. Evans! Ms. Rachel! Detention!".
The day went by really, really, really slooowww. I had leftover pizza from last night for lunch and an apple because I'm a healthy girl- I ate half of it and threw it away because I couldn't be bothered to finish it- then I had English with Ms. Keegan whom I am convinced is the reincarnation of Shakespeare himself, no joke. The amount of passion that woman has for poetry is beyond normal, not to mention her talent of knowing every word we throw at her including knowing all the definitions and meanings and where it originated. I get that she's an English teacher and all but that is just crazy. Besides Drama and Music, English is the only main subject I pay attention in. Plus Miss has a very strong Irish accent which is fun to listening to. After English came Drama with Mr. Turner my favourite teacher and the only teacher I'm really going to miss after I leave this place. He makes Vic and I get cramps from all the laughing we do in his lessons. And then finally the day ended, oh, but wait I have detention with Einstein.

Destiny hurts
Short StoryErica Evans is your everyday, average, misunderstood and some may say "normal" teenager. However, all of that changes when her 18th birthday comes up. A faceless figure is lurking in the shadows. And what Erica doesn't know is that her whole entire...