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"John!" I shout for mine and Harry's son. Harry already went to work and now I have to drive John to daycare.

"Yes, daddy?" He walks out of the kitchen with an ice cream in the hand.

"You have to ask for an ice cream, John. You cannot just take one like that! That's stealing." I mumble and take the ice cream away.

"Daddy, I live here!" He pouts.
I'm not in the best mood today, and John sighs. I do as well. It's bloody early and I don't have time to bicker with my toddler.

When we finally arrive to the daycare I say goodbye to John, driving off to work.

Me and Harry adopted John three years ago. He was a newborn baby then. It was 2014 and me and Harry had just gotten married. Isn't it wonderful? I love Harry and John, with all my heart I am fond. They truly are my everything.

I only work one hour today, perfect time to be with Harry alone in a few hours before we pick up John from the daycare.

I sit in front of the computer screen and write for next weeks meeting. I'm excited because I might get a promotion!

I'm a teacher and if I get a promotion, I only have to work two days a week with my P.E class, but I will get more money than before.

I take a sip of my green tea and write some more before I go home. Harry should be home in half an hour.

One and a half hour later, Harry comes home. He's late and I'm actually mad at him, although I know deep down in myself I shouldn't be.

"Where the fuck have you been, Harry?!" I ask angrily, struggling to keep my mind clear and my voice calm.

"Only at work, calm down," he tells me. I'm not going to calm down. He's late home and he left early this morning!

"You were going to be home an hour ago!" I shout right in his face, feeling confused with myself. I instantly regret it.

"I had to work late today," he says nervously. "Please, Lou..."

"Sure! You left home at six this morning," I remark harshly, abruptlyinterrupting him. "What are you up to? I'm not stupid Harry!"

"I had to clean the bakery! Calm down Louis!" Harry shouts, losing patience with me, clearly annoyed.

"I'm not going to fucking calm down! I had to take John to daycare early as fuck today!" I snap, furrowing my eyebrows. "I thought you were going to take him today?"

Perhaps I am too angry with him. I don't think so, but my heart is telling me a different story.

"And? Does it matter if you had to take him to daycare? I take him to daycare everyday! I cook food everyday, I clean everyday, I take care of both you and John everyday! Stop acting like a child for once." Harry begins yelling, louder than me, with tears in his eyes. He seems to be really mad.

I don't like when he yells. His voice changes to deeper tones than his usual voice sounds, and his eyes become the darkest of green. It's scary.

"Alright, so now you're blaming me?" I half laugh, sarcasm in my voice. "Great! Everything is my fault as always. You never do anything stupid, do you?" My anger rises as I speak. I really shouldn't be angry. I don't want to yell at him.

Harry looks out of himself; angry and terribly upset. All I can do is make him feel worse. Now that I'm at it, I don't know how to stop.

"I hate that you always blame things on me!" I continue, Harry staying quiet. "I really hate it, Harry! I hate you!"

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