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"Can I sleep here tonight?" John asks in the middle of the night, Harry is asleep.

"Sure..." I yawn and put him between me and Harry. John's soft hand rests on my naked shoulder and I can feel his breath on my neck.

"Daddy?" John pets my back.

"Mhm..." I mumble, half asleep. "I love you," he whispers and I cannot help but smile at how wonderful he is as a child.

"I love you too," I tell him and kiss his cheek, quietly not to wake Harry up.

I cannot believe I have John as my son, mine and the love of my life's son.

The next morning I wake up by the sound of my alarm clock and get up.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" I ask Harry when he comes into the kitchen. He ignores my question and instead of answering me he hugs John.

"Hi daddy!" John giggles.

Harry smiles, but I can tell it's a fake one.

"Harry..." I mumble and he gives me an 'I don't want to talk' glare.

"Are you okay?" I ask him quietly, not wanting John to hear me being worried about his father. "I'm fine." Harry lies.

I know he's not fine.

I drag Harry out of the room as John prepares the table for us all. He's really good to be only three years old.

"What's wrong?" I ask him seriously.

He shrugs. I can see the pain in his eyes and pull him in for a hug. He buries his face in my neck and I can hear him sob.

I hate seeing Harry cry. I know something is wrong. The problem right now is, he won't tell me what is wrong.

"I love you so much. Please never leave me. I'm sorry for being such a mess." Harry cries.

I hold him closer, kissing his cheek.

"What? Where did you get that idea? I won't leave you. I love you so much." I tell him honestly. "It's okay to be a mess sometimes, you're human." I countinue as I pat his back with my right hand.

All of a sudden John shows up in the hallway. "Daddy! What happened?" he asks and runs fast toward Harry to hug him.

Harry hugs back and by the look on his face, he doesn't want his son to see him crying.

Harry tells John that he slept bad, which is a lie, but I don't really know either what's wrong. But one thing do I know... I am sure as hell he didn't sleep bad.

I am so lucky to be here with my husband and son, and I think both of them know they are all I ever need and want.

I push it aside, though, the thing with Harry, and as we walk back into the kitchen, I take Harry's hand in mine.

I hold it tightly as I give him a kiss on his cheek, trying to brighten the mood.

Later the same day when John is at the daycare, I follow Harry to the bakery.

I don't have work today, luckily, so I can, and will gladly, spend the day with my beautiful husband at his bakery.

John is at the daycare for a longer time today, which is kind of good because it is great to spend my time with Harry.

The bakery is actually full of people today and I think it's because of the new renovation. Since the bakery got a more nice and modern design there are people here more regularly.

Harry is very good at his job and he is being very nice to the costumers, along with the other workers. He loves his job.

"Lou, I end my shift now," he tells me as he changes his clothes.

I nod and check the time. We will pick up John from daycare in about three hours.

I lift my head from my phone and see Harry being shirtless in front of me. Hot damn. His tattoos over his arms and chest are more visible in this light. I bite my lip as I feel aroused by him, I let out a silent wow.

We sit in the car on our way home and I look at Harry as he drives. I watch every move he takes, every sound he makes.

Damn is he beautiful.

I have never seen someone who is this beautiful. I am so in love with him.

"Harry?" I say to get his attention. He glances at me. "Yeah, Louis?" he asks while focusing on the road. "I love you." I tell him honestly.

I keep watching Harry and just then he smiles, this time a real one.

"I love you too." he giggles.

Just before we reach our parking area I get a call from John's daycare.

"Hello?" I greet. They never use to call unless he's sick, so he is probably just sick.

"Hello, is this Louis Tomlinson?" the woman in the phone asks. "Yes..." I tell her.

She sighs deeply before she speaks again. "Your son has been in an accident. We have already called an ambulance but please come as soon as possible."

My heart drops to the ground, I stop breathing for a while. "Oh my God... We are on our way." I say with a weak voice.

I tell Harry what happened and we drive the fastest we can to the nursery. I cannot believe this has happened. I see Harry's eyes expand and he is worried. Harry is already in quite a bad place and this happens to our son.

When we finally arrive we see an ambulance and our son on a patient stretcher.

"Oh my God..." Harry mumbles as he runs to John. I run after him.

John is bleeding from his head. I honestly can't believe this had happened. He is so small.

"He fell from the climbing frame..." a woman who works at the daycare tells. I can feel how my temper is rising but I am too upset to even speak. Didn't anybody watch him? How could they not see him?

I glance at Harry and I see the tears in his eyes, both of me and Harry walk into the ambulance with John. "Our little baby.." Harry cries as I'm sitting here, numb, unable to speak. I thought that this would never happen to our son.

When we reach the hospital, me and Harry can't follow John into the room since he needs stitches. We sit in the waitroom and Harry is sleeping with his head on my shoulder.

We've been sitting here for, I don't know how many hours but it's in the middle of the night. A doctor walks to us and Harry wakes up by my kiss.

"Is he alright?" Harry asks, still sleepy and torn apart. The doctor sighs and looks him right in the eyes.

"He's in a coma. But hopefully he will wake up soon"

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