Ch. 6 - Confessions and First Step

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High everyone….wow over 100+ reads so far. I hope that the story is progressing at a faster pace for my readers, sometimes I get bogged down in the details. I like painting a picture with words, especially when describing the First Step in Lexi’s security measures. I hope you like it!

Comments are welcomed!

Lexi’s POV

“Well then, Harry,” I began, “I think you should probably head back to your seat and talk with Louis. As, from the look I just saw him give the both of us, you most likely need to smooth things out before you find yourself sleeping on the couch when we finally arrive in London.”

The shocked looked on his face was priceless! “What do you mean by ‘I’ll be on the couch’?” in a low voice, Harry snarly whispered.

Needless to say, Paul’s chuckle and Simon almost spraying the sip of tea he had just taken, let me know that I had hit the target with my assumption. Larry Stylinson is a reality!

With a slight smile and a friendly no-nonsense sister like tone, I responded, “First, I have already signed the NDA. Second, it was quite apparent how close you two are due to the intimate gestures and touching that were going on when I boarded the place. Third, the look of hurt and shock in Louis’ eyes and the ‘you are so busted look’ that he shot our way, and last but not least is the fact that you two always look happier together than when you have been in the company of a ‘girlfriend’. So take my advice, don’t dig yourself an even deeper hole, go and talk to him. While you hopeful smooth things over with Lou, I can verify some of the logistics with Paul first before talking to the two of you together. Please try to explain and reassure to Lou that this situation, your relationship, and whomever else’s relationships will be handled in the utmost professional manner.”

Harry’s eyes seemed to look a little bit less anxious with his response of, “Thank you for your insight and understanding. If I or any of the others seem not as forthcoming on some aspects of our personal lives, it is because we have been trained to respond to questions by tiptoeing around the truth or not confirming the reality of our relationships. However, I think you won’t put up with it and keep digging or pestering us until you get to the information that you need to know. Am I correct?”

“Let me put it this way Harry, I grew up with eleven brothers, two uncles and four godfathers and I know more about what is going on in their lives and with their spouses or partners, than they do on occasion. So, I guess you could say that you are correct.” It was at this time that the crew began to close the cabin door and Harry nodded at me with his famous cheeky grin, almost as if he was challenging my statement that I had just made. He then headed back to his seat, buckled himself in and leaned forward to try to get Louis’s attention, as he was looking out the window.

I looked over to Paul and he had a grin on his faced and mouthed the words, “Thank you”. It appears that I handled my introduction with Harry to Paul’s satisfaction. As I begin to think, it is time to begin addressing some of the more important logistical information regarding this situation. Including fleshing out the background for my cover story, access to the lads individual and group schedules, electronic communications, maps and blueprints of their residences or other locations that they may need to stay or perform at, and a list of all of the other members of the crew, persons under contract with management and management themselves. Now it is time to play by my rules and not management’s, and I think that Paul and the boys might be in agreement with some of my decisions, only time will tell.

Harry’s POV

As I start to head back to my seat, I keep thinking about what Lexi had said and how she so accurately figured out Lou’s and my relationship. Are we that transparent? I know early on during our stay in the X-Factor house and subsequent interviews that the Larry moments happened more often than Simon or Modest Management had wanted. Our public displays of affection were shortly thereafter curtailed by our management and their idiotic decision regarding getting Lou a beard, Elanour, and helping the papps and scandal sheets label me a womanizer. If people only knew the true story, they would scream and shout. There has been only one person that I have loved for the last three plus years and how hurtful it is to be linked or photographed with someone other than them. Or the nights that both of us have cried and screamed into our pillows, because we had to be seen and photographed in different locations with our ‘girlfriends’ or the birthdays and holidays that we could not spend or celebrate with each other.

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