
244 5 0

August,15,2016 7:45am
So far I really think this class is never going to end I mean seriously I should be honors right now but I was one percent off from qualifying. What are the odds for that happening. So far there are two guys that I don't know that Are semi cute. I guess there names are Jack and Cameron. I don't they would go out with me though they are more of the sporty type and I am the nerdy girl that has an obsession over Harry Potter. OK so I really do not like history at all. It just is flat out boring and I think most people can agree on that. This is actually my worst subject out of all of them. Now I am awesome at math. I am taking trigonometry and I am only a freshman so that means I don't have to take any math classes after this year if I don't want to. I guess that Meadow, Paige, Autumn, Brianna, and I all have Spanish two together so that is good. We also all have the same lunch period too. The good thing is that we also all have the same lunch period so does Mathew and Kaiden too. They sit ten to a table so we will see if we have any extra people joining us. Something else I dont get is that why do we have to take world history defore we take US history and Indiana history. I would think it should be the other way around. Finally the bell time for Trigonometry.

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