I Love You.... (Septiplier)

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Let's start out with some septiplier shall we?
Not any unless you are sensitive to sad things. That is all, you may read.
Mark p.o.v
There we were struggling to hold up. I was holding Jack's hand as my other hand held on to the end of the clift. Under us was a endless pit of death calling are names. The rain started to pickup with the wind.
"Mark, you need to let me go," Jack said and my heart immediately stopped.
I looked down at my friend in sadness and then replied, "No, I am not letting go of you!"
"Mark, I am just going to hold ye down. There is no way we will both make it!" He yelled back at me with a more thicker accent in his voice. I tried my hardest to hold back my tears.
"If you're going down, I am to!" I yelled looking back up to see if there was another way.
"Please Mark?" He begged as a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Jack, I-I love you!" I yelled as I felt my grip start to slip, "I never got a chance to say it. Every time I tried ,but I didn't succeed, " tears started to fall from my eyes.
"M-mark, I have always loved you ever sense. I just didn't have the courage to s-say i-it," his voice cracked, "but if you love me...let me go," I looked back down at him.
My body took over control at that very second and my hand just opened. Every thing went in slow motion. He smiled at me as he fell. Everything came back to normal.
"No! Jack!!!" I screamed but he was already swallowed by the darkness that was deep below.
I pulled myself up and started to ball.
'I can't believe what I just done! Why did I do that!?!?' I thought as I attempted to look back down ,but miserably failed. It was to much for me to handle.
Jack's p.o.v
Mark had been shifting around a lot and mumbling a lot tonight. I hoped he wasn't having some type of nightmare.
I was about to wake him up to make sure he was okay, but before I even got the chance to turn over he must have sat up real quickly. Then he was sobbing loudly. In response I jumped up and look at him.
I looked at him with worry, "Mark, are you okay?" My voice was a bit off ,but I didn't care. He suddenly stopped and looked at me with his eyes wide open. Then, his body met mine real quick and he hugged me real tight. He buried his face in the crook of my neck. I responded by raping my arms around his body.
It was silent till he wispered something, "I thought you were gone... I lost yo-u," his voice cracked up.
I pulled him up to look at me, his eyes were red and he had tear streaks running down his cheeks.
"Don't worry babe, I am right hear and nothing is going to happen. I am still hear," I gave him a comforting smile to reassure him that everything was okay.
I kissed his forehead, "Come on now, I don't want my little Markimoo to not have any sleep at all," I said with a smile and chuckled a little bit. He giggled and lied down. I did the same.
I felt a pair of arms go over my body pulling me into a warm embrace.
"I love you Jackieboy," Mark said quitely.
"I love to Markimoo," I replied and with that we slept peacefully through the rest of the night.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Give me any type of suggestions for any couple and tell me if you want it sad or happy or scary. I can write any of those. But anyways PEACE OUT! ✌

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