Hurt (H20vanoss)

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Warning, suicidal thoughts and some harsh language.

Evan's P.o.v
  I waited for the bus as I stared at my phone. I sat on the bench at, at least 10: 00 p.m. I clenched to my jacket as I put my phone down. It was near 30°F outside tonight. I just missed the bus so I had a long wait before I could actually catch one.
  I saw something move on the other side of the road. I looked over to see someone in a blue jacket sitting down. He started to writing something on a piece of paper. I squinted my eyes to see if I could makeout who it was, it was delirious. I decided to go over there since no one drives at this time of night, and to see how he was doing. It has been quite awhile since we talked and I was worried about him.
  I guess he didn't notice when I sat next to him cause he just kept writing.
  "Hey Delirious-" I said quietly but cut myself off when I saw him tense up. He stopped writing and crumbled the paper up and left it in his left hand.
  He looked at me with a faint worried smile, "H-hey V-vanoss, it's been a....while," he trailed off at the end of his sentence and looked at the ground.
  I started to worry at the expression he made, "Are you okay?"
  "I jus- I- I'm fine," he said shakily as he continued to stare at the ground.
  "You can tell me, I'm your friend and I always want to help another friend,I won't to help," I said he seemed to be super shocked when I said that.
   All I felt was his arms rap around me and he clenched tightly to me. I jumped in suprise ,but then calmed down a little. I also blushed a little from our position we currently went to. I gave in to the hug and rapped my arms around his body. It was very quiet and then he broke the silence.
  "T-thanks" he wispered as his voice cracked up.
  "Thanks f-f-for c-caring," he finished off as he let go and looked at me with tears in his eyes. He had a small smile on his face looking into my eyes. I stared into his baby blue eyes which I got lost in.
  I just scooted closer to him and we started to cuddle. He had his head on my chest while I had my arm around him.
  We heard the bus getting closer and we got up. I heard something drop and I turned my head to see that paper he was writing on. He didn't notice me look so when the doors opened I let him go first and I quickly bended down and shoved it in my jacket pocket then I followed behind him.
  We talked the bus ride and he seemed very happy after the chat. I told him bye and left the bus at my stop. Once I got inside my home I sat on the couch and opened the note which I was dieing to read.
  It said "I have been through way to much. My mother has died, and she was the only family member that actually loved me. Also once I told Tyler I was gay because I thought has could keep it as a secret. I don't know why I thought he would and he told some of the others and they just laghed at me and called me a fagot. They never told Evan though. At least the one that I loved wasn't told so he wouldn't go from best friend to straight up enemy. Tonight is the night that I commit suicide in my room. The place where my so called friends started it. If your reading this Evan, I love y-" I was in shock from the note. My eyes where shot open and my jaw was dropped.
  "Oh shit!" I yelled as I grabbed my phone to call him. I was panicking a bit as  I wispered to myself for him to answer, but I got not one answer.
  I ran to his house at full speed praying that I wasn't to late.
  I finally got there and started to knock on the door.
  "Jonathan!" I called out, "Jonathan!" I yelled once more.
  I turned the handle and to my surprise the door was unlocked. I didn't question though. I was to worried.
  I walked in his room to see him holding a gun up to his head and mumbling. It sounded like he was counting down.
  I quickly ran over to him a tried to get the gun out of his hand. He was surprisingly very strong. I got the gun out of his hand and put it on his bed.
  It was hard for me to talk, I felt frozen. He was just staring at the ground.
  "John?" I asked. His head shot up to look at me.
  "They didn't set you up?"he asked looking at me.
  I was kinda puzzled, "What do you mean they didn't set me up?"
  "Noone has b-been that nice t-to me t-that I thought they set you up to hurt me even more. I noticed that I dropped the note but I didn't care cause if you knew that I-I liked y-you I wouldn't hear anything different from you. Only that I don't want to hear t-the words they y-yell at me come from your mouth," his voice almost gone.
  "Jonathan?" I asked as I lifted his head to look at me.
  "I-I love you too.." the words came out in shaky breaths, "I have always loved you and I hate too see you hurt," and with that I kissed him. He was shocked, but then leaned in to the kiss. That moment I wished had went on forever ,but eventually we had to break apart for air.
  We smiled as we gazed into each others eyes. His blue eyes watering while a sparkle lit up in his eyes.
  "Thanks Evan," he said and hugged me. I just hugged back as happiness filled my body from top to bottom, inside and out.
  Hello, that was an H2ovanoss story that I have had in my note books ever since!  Hoped you liked it and if you like vote for the story, or give some feedback on the story so I can emprove. Remember I do take suggestions so please do comment and tell me what one shot you would like to see. Hope you enjoyed PEACE OUT ✌

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