8. Questions

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I don't know how long I was out, but I can feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness.

It mustn't have been too long because someone is currently carrying me, the gentle sway of my body gives way to that information. Strong, sturdy arms suspend me above the ground, my head resting against a solid chest. If I force myself to focus, I can even hear the steady beat of my carrier's heart. For some reason my stomach churns uncomfortably at the sound of this.

I can vaguely hear people murmuring anxiously, the sound a distant buzzing in my ears. I groan out of irritation, make the noises stop. Why am I so damn uncomfortable? Goddess, my head is beginning to hurt and that's all I need right now, isn't it?

Another moan of discomfort slips from my lips, the action completely lost to me as my mind dances around in limbo. I'm still encased by a ball of black, nothing to see in any direction I look in. No physical objects as far as the eyes can see. Except, if I look up, I can see stars. There's stars scattered all across the darkness, little specks of light giving out a small glimmer of hope. Hope for what, though?

I guess it can't to be too hard to think of things that I'm hoping for. I'm hoping for safety, freedom, normality and to be out of this sticky situation I've found myself in.

The stars dancing in the suspiciously very black sky taunt me with their happiness. I feel as if those stars are just a few feet away. Something around their area is giving off a sensation of warmth, love and comfort. Maybe if I can just reach out towards the stars I'll have a little dip of that pleasurable feeling they're oozing.

I try to lift my hand towards it, but I feel as if my body just leaned forwards awkwardly, throwing off my balance. I pause, am I standing or am I sitting?

Before I have time to ponder that disconcertingly difficult question, my body is jostled around. I mutter incoherently in disapproval, gravity is being a little bit rude today.

Then I feel it.

I'm bathed in absolute pleasure, my muscles relaxing in complete comfort and tranquillity. I sigh in contentment, moving closer to the source of warmth that's suddenly come to embrace me gently but firmly. I feel safe, as though I have no need to lift a gun ever again. I am completely entranced by this sudden sense of security. Have I died and gone to heaven.

"Wake up," a deep, smooth voice murmurs. The baritone, low-spoken words just scream "sex".

"Wake up." Oh, Goddess. There it is again. Where is this delicious sounding man? "Accalia."

My eyes fly open.

Where am I? What's happening?

The last thing I remember was falling asleep (I. Did. Not. Pass. Out.) and waking up really, really comfortable.


I jolt and begin to panic when I realise that I'm being held fairly high above the ground bridal style. I glance down at the arms holding me firmly against a very broad, masculine frame. I then turn sharply to face the man carrying me.

My face angles upwards and I realise I've miscalculated the distance between the man and I. A heavenly scent makes my heart pound Our noses brush and I inhale sharply, my body frozen.

Narrowed, piercing grey eyes stare straight back at me. It takes less than a second for me to recognise that gaze.


I react without thinking, terror gripping my heart. My hands fly up to push against his chest and my legs flail out to throw him off balance. Although he must have been expecting this kind of reaction to him, Roman wasn't very prepared for a head-butt to the nose.

What shocks me is that his grip doesn't let up on my body. I twist out of his arms as his head is whipped back from the force of the blow and find myself falling to the ground.

My back hits the ground first, the breath being pressed from my lungs and released into the air. I let out a small cry of pain and his head immediately snaps forward to face me, eyes blazing and nose bleeding.

I crawl backwards on my elbows and the balls of my feet, not wanting to flip my body over to lose sight of him. I maintain eye contact, unable to break gazes with the silver eyed monster before me.

Roman begins to advance towards me but comes to a pause when my body works to propel myself as far away from him as possible. His eyes grow cold and hard as they roam over my face. My heart hammers in my chest as the right corner of his tempting lips pull up into a smirk.

"Are you done?" He questions, an eyebrow raised tauntingly. I try to calm my breathing but I can't seem to take the air in quick enough, my lungs struggle to keep up with my clear anxiety.

I swallow and push myself against the wall, trying to prop myself up a little as well as create as much distance between us. The only thing I've succeeded in doing so far is cornering myself.

His eyes glimmer briefly in victory as he slowly strides towards me, satisfied with the fact that there is nowhere else for me to pathetically attempt to crawl to. Roman lowers himself down into a crouch, the sudden movement triggering my body to flinch. His eyebrows pull together ever so slightly before smoothing out again. Being this close to him, I'm unsure as to whether I should be swooning and melting at his feet or quivering with pure, unbridled fear.

I'm a little bit of both at the moment.

His hand reaches out and there's a sharp intake of breath on my behalf. Roman's eyes narrow ever so slightly as he continues with his actions, hand coming to rest on the side of my face softly, as if he's scared I'll break. A finger trails up and down the surface of my cheek and I'm vaguely aware of my body both leaning towards him slightly and trembling at the same time.

His silver eyes search my face, he's looking for something though I'm unsure as to what it could be. "Accalia," he breathes, the whisper a gentle caress.

"Când vei accepta că ești a mea?"

The foreign words coming from his lips make me gasp as my body quivers in his presence. His question lingers in the air.

When will you accept that you are mine?

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