Honey it's just the start of it

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You were past the point of pissed off. Things with Denis had been tough lately, distance driving the two of you apart, but this? Your best friend Lena had just sent you pictures- full proof pictures- of Denis locking lips with a girl at a local pub. A message sent after the pics told you that they had come from a very reliable source, and that she was sorry. You wished that you could find some excuse- some practical reason to think that it wasn't Denis in the pictures. But that wasn't possible. You knew him too well. The raven black hair, the lean and lightly muscled frame, the chiseled features and long black lashes- even the blithe, care free posture of the man displayed on the screen of your cell phone was annoyingly familiar. You studied the girl that was with him, sitting across from him in some of the pictures, and in his lap kissing him- more like tonguing him- in others. She wasn't altogether ugly, though you hated to admit it, but there was something oddly familiar about her. You studied her closer. The pictures revealed more of her face than they did of Denis. The girl was oriental- light brown hair, brown eyes, full red lips and a big white smile. She had a nose ring and tattoos on both shoulders- one being a sleeve that ran from the top of her shoulder down to her elbow, while the other was a playful smaller tattoo that had a colorful skull and roses. Where had you seen her?- your stomach dropped as you realized who the girl was. You were looking at the face of none other than Dasha, Denis ex-girlfriend.

You hear the front door open from your position on the living room couch. Tears ran down your cheeks, whether from anger or betrayal you couldn't tell. You wiped them away quickly as Denis voice sounded from the kitchen, "Hey babe, I'm home!" You stood up, turning to face him as he walked into the living room. He must have noticed something was off, because he paused to look at you, his expression fading from optimistic to confused. "Great to see you too, 'babe'," you replied, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "Is something wrong?" Denis asked, now cautious. "Oh, it's nothing really," you said casually before raising your voice, "I just found out my boyfriend's a fucking liar and a cheat!" Denis was caught off guard. "What the-" he started before you cut him off. "I saw the fucking pictures, Denis! Is that why you've been acting different, huh?" you began moving toward him, "Am I just not good enough for you?!" His eyes widened, processing the accusation. "I didn't cheat on y- I'd never do something like that!" Denis protested, not understanding where all of this was coming from. Reaching him, you shoved his chest, your small hands not amounting to much against his lean, muscular form. Still, you pushed him again with more force, causing him to stagger back a couple of feet. "What the hell, Y/N?! The fuck is your problem?!" he shouted, anger flooding his face. "You're my fucking problem!" you screamed, drawing your hand back before sending it flying forward, aiming for Denis face. He caught your wrist mid air, twisting your arm so that you were forced to turn, pinning your back against the living room wall and holding your arm above your head. "You wanna try that again, sweetheart?" he whispered, his face close to yours, his eyes dangerously black. You flung your free arm- intending to catch him off guard- but he was too fast. He blocked the blow, catching your other arm with his free hand and pinning it above your head like the other. "Fucking bitch," Denis spat, clearly not believing that you would attempt another hit. "I hate you," you said between clenched teeth, pulling at your restrained arms. Shock shown on Denis face only a moment before he leaned forward, his lower body pressing against yours, making you completely immobile. He bent his head, tilting so that his lips were right beside your ear. "You're about to hate me even more," he said softly.

Denis bent, one shoulder coming to rest against your midsection as his long arms encircled your legs. He lifted you up and over his shoulder as he began to walk toward the bedroom the two of you shared. "Fucking put me down!" you screamed, using your arms to pound against his back. Your efforts proved useless. He reached the bedroom door and swung it open with his foot, tossing you onto the bed before closing and locking the door. You got up from the bed immediately to stand with your arms crossed. "Really, Denis? Really?!" your voice rose in pitch with each word, "If you think for one fucking minute that I'm-" You paused, watching Denis face. He was smirking, an unsettlingly arrogant expression on his face. He walked toward you, pausing mere inches from your body, his chest level with your head. You shoved him. "Just go- leave! I don't need you! I don't want some-" Denis shot forward, his lips crashing onto yours without warning. He pried your mouth open with his, forcing his way in without permission. You tried to back away, but his strong arms locked around you, forcing you closer to him. You bit down on his lip hard, drawing blood. He pulled back, looking truly astonished before the anger took over. "You little cunt!" he seethed, grabbing your wrist. He slung you to the floor, your body plummeting onto the hardwood floor with a thump. It's times like these that people need freaking carpet, you thought bitterly as you attempted to sit up, your knees aching from the fall. Denis caught up quickly, moving to sit on top of you, straddling your waist. You struggled against him to no avail, ending up with your back on the floor and your arms pinned above your head. He bent down, hovering over you. "You're going to regret that, Y/N," he said, lust and anger etched in his dark eyes.

Denis Shaforostov ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now