Please Help...

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Aphmau didn't exactly know what was going on when she spotted Laurence at the door, walking over to it she opened it up, "Hey Lau---" She stopped as he just came walking in and fell face down onto the couch, "Uhm? Laurence, is everything alright?" She walked around the couch and sat down next to him and ran her hand through his hair.

Making a small pleased noise at the hair stroking, Laurence glanced up and sighed softly, "I'm in a difficult situation with Garroth at the moment and I'd really like to talk more in depth about it... but I don't know how to say exactly what is going on..." He laid his head on her lap and grumbled.

Aphmau giggled softly before giving a him a questioning look, "Laurence, you know whatever it is, you can tell me. I won't judge you on anything you say. I personally just want you and Garroth to be alright." She spoke softly as she tried her hardest to comfort him.

Laurence bit his lip and thought about how he was going to put it, after a few minutes he rolled over so he was able to look up at her and sighed, "It's kinda weird but, Aph, he.... well he kissed me." Laurence purposely skipped over the peeping part, that was never ever going to be spoken about again, "I don't really know what to do about it. You have any ideas?"

This actually surprised Aphmau, she's known both Garroth and Laurence for years and never would have expected either to be gay or bi in the least bit. Yeah they all joked about it but never really thought it would happen, "We are talking about the same Garroth right? The one that fights with you over me?" She questioned him further, it was hard to process what exactly was being said.

Laurence rolled his eyes a bit and nodded, "Yeah... The same one we've know for years...." He raised a hand up to his face, rubbing softly at his eyes in frustration, "I'm so confused right now, I just don't even know anymore.... It's so sudden really... Do you think it would be ok to be with him?" He muttered slightly, Aphmau could tell that this was taking a lot energy out of him, "Oh Irene... Especially after I told him all I liked him as was a friend too..." as they were talking they didn't notice a sneaky Kawaii-Chan listening to the conversation.

"KAWAII-CHAN! What are you doing?!" A voice suddenly made the three unexpecting people jump, Laurence looked up towards the stairs and stood up quickly spotting a freaking out Kawaii-Chan with a pissed looking Kaitlyn, "Can't you see that Aphmau and Laurence are busy?!"

"Kai-Kaitlyn-Sama! Don't sneak up on Kawaii-Chan like that! She was just listening to Laurence-Kun telling Aphmau-Sama about..." She heard a small cough from Aphmau and turned around to see both of them looking at her, "AHH! Aphmau-Sama! Laurence-kun! K-Kawaii-Chan didn't mean to eavesdrop! She had come down to make cookies!" With that she rushed off to the kitchen.

"Sorry Guys... I didn't think you wanted her to hear anymore..." Kaitlyn said before giving Laurence a small sad smile, "Hope everything goes well between you and Garroth..." that told them both that she had been listening in as well, Laurence looked absolutely devastated.

"Oh my Irene... Everyone's going to know now that Kawaii-Chan heard... I-I don't know if I can do this..." Laurence's cheeks were bright red and he was looking at the ground, he had even started pacing back and forth.

Aphmau frowned a bit hearing his words, she reached out and grabbed his wrist forcing him to stop, "Calm down and don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't do that!" She gave him a little smile.

Laurence stopped and looked back at her, "Hope so... If I do this, I want to tell people at my own pace... Not by some blabber mouth spreading without permission..." He rubbed his neck and let out a deep breath, "Could we talk in your room for a bit? If you aren't busy that is!" He chuckled and smiled weakly.

"Yeah! We can, though I will be heading over to Zane's after a bit." She said and started pulling him along, "That won't be for about an hour or so." She smiled and let him into her room.

"Thanks Aphmau! I really appreciate it..." He muttered, he did feel a lot better talking to her about all of this. Laurence always knew he was lucky to have a friend like her. He moved inside and walked over to her bed and sat down next to Celeste, his hand moved to pet the soft puppy.

Aphmau smiled at the sight before closing the door and beginning their conversation again, hopefully they could get through everything without any more disturbances.



I am so sorry about how short this chapter is! I was trying to keep them around 1000+ So... yeah... T>T

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