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we waiting for shiva an outside....

At the same time inside the studio..

S; hey bro, y did u do this? what she think abt us?

A; its ur fault ya, y u allow her first

S; i get the call so...

A; so...u don't wanna wait her  in outer

S; leave it bro

A; oh shy ah?

S; huh?  today my bday so stop ur teasing

A; aiiiiii bday baby huh???kk what is it?  ask abt the book which is  placed in shiva's hand

S; oh its model ...come and choose what u like

A; hmm ,where is  that  girl?

S; she stand outside

A; go and bring her, she only know abt it and its her duty la

S; mm k

shiva come outside and call us for inside , when we enter there

A; show me the best designs

M; oh k...i pick that book and show some new costume

After i finish it..see his face ...there is no expression ...

A; give any few good design

M; i select some new costume for him...when i show it to him

A; i do not like other

its happen again and again..i lost my control so i give it rubi..

Rubi show some old costume to him..he accept it...

A; u r best designer ..u r friend waste la

R; she is not like  me..

Her ans make me so angry to her, and  I START TO HATE HIM SO MUCH.

To be continue....

ANIRUDH   WEDS  ME (Completed)✓Where stories live. Discover now