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When i open the door Ani stand inside the room

I glared at him and stand outside , he quickly pull me inside the room and lock the door

M; what the hell 

he close my mouth with his palm and made me go back side , he push me on the wall

I remove his hand and see his face confusingly 

M; what r u doing here and what is all of this???

A; i hav one gift for u

M; really ??? i am so excited 

A; mm 

M; give it to me now

he cupped my cheeks and kiss on my lips 

M; idiot , said while push him back

A; what??

M; is it ur gift??

A;nope come with me 

M; where ???

A; surprise 

he grab my hand and went to the out, we took the car, he drive the car some where

M; where r we going???

A; keep quite , after reach there  u know where r we nu

M; po da said little angry 

he chuckled.....

M; hey do u say it to mom???

A; mm ya, i got permission 

M; uffff thank god....... he chuckled again

After the 15 minutes travel we reach the beach , i was little confused 

M; y u take me here??

A; come 

he drag me to the light house top

he made stop in one corner , and see my face 

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he made stop in one corner , and see my face 

M; what??

Ani took one red rose in his hand and kneel down , he give the rose o me and say 

A; i kept my world on ur foot, you r my world .i promise u  whatever whenever happen i never leave ur side , i am always belong with u 

I just admire his speech and stand like a statue ...

A; hey baby...

M; um  still in statue condition 

A; wake up dii, my knee is aching 

M;oh sry, i took it from his hand

Ani stand up, i hug him and turn to out side ......

M; I LOVE YOU ANIRUDH shout from the top..he hug me from behind ....

A; hey, sry

M; for wt?

A; intha saree nailla illa nu soinathu ku, its awesome diiii

M; hahah tnx, i am blushing 

A; hey took ur foot on the kambi 

he mention the border of edge 

M; y???

A; just do it 

M; if i do it, i fall down

A; don't believe me huh??

M; no no

A; then do 

i do what he say it to me

Ani hold my waist and moved towards my stomach , i expand my hand in air , its just remind me 'THE TITANIC POSE '

Ani hold my waist and moved towards my stomach , i expand my hand in air , its just remind me 'THE TITANIC POSE '

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then we reach our home..

To be continue..

ANIRUDH   WEDS  ME (Completed)✓Where stories live. Discover now