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After  she said like this i came out from there..rubi also follow me

R; hey, wait di

M; for what? to got more insult ?

R; hey its just for fun di

M; oh really,  but it hurt me

R; okay i am sorry.

M; i don't need ur sorry , do u know one thing?

R; what?

M; in that costume he look like a comedian !

while i say it  notice that he stand there....i close my mouth...i did not see his face...

Anirudh p o v...

when left there ..i follow them, just hear their conservation...its make laugh to end rubi 's friend say  i am a dare she say like this...i want to prove who i i decided to take them in my team...

she notice me i leave from ther...i took my phone and call their office...

Ma; hlo sir.


Ma; well sir, we send our costume designers for u

A; yeah, they r here.

Ma; okay sir, what happen sir??? they do anything wrong?

A; no no...i  take them to my team so ..say  they lost their job in ur company.

Ma; okay sir.

A; don't tell them i am the one who say it.

Ma; oh k sir..Thank u

i end the call...and went out to see their reaction.....

when i speak with phone were ring..i pick up the call.

M; yes sir.

i get more shock

Ma; we reject  u guys from our company.

M;but y sir.

Ma; sorry , i do not say abt it..thank u

M; sir...sir...

My p o v..

omg i lost my job.........

R; hey what happen?

M; we lost our job

R; what????????

Ani p o v...

who is the comedian huh???? wait and watch my game start from now.....hahah

To be continue....

ANIRUDH   WEDS  ME (Completed)✓Where stories live. Discover now