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The next day morning we wake up and fresh up our self and then went to the downstairs ...

A & M;  Good morning  to everyone say chorusly 

T; gud mor ani and rasika 

A'M; come here and have ur coffees 

W; yeah mom

we got it from her hand and start to sipping it, at the time his mom said guys get ready e go to ur new home, we look each other confusingly 

M; ma, what new home?

A'M;  we already bought one new house for u guys, from today u live there, ani don't tell me u do not knew it ?

A; i knew ma, but y so sudden ?

A'd; hahaa not so sudden , it is right time to understand urselfs, and to learn how to manage  the family 

A; but pa

A'D; no more arguments go and get ready

After finish coffee we went to our room and  pack all the things , and we ate breakfast with our family, and  reach our new home........ani mom and dad stay there few hours then they leave..

Me and ani only on that home..  he went to the room for change his dress , i switched on the music and make our lunch,  

while finish the cook i call him for eating, at the time KATIKIDA song were play

A; hey, i am coming ..he come to  downstairs 

 i kept all the food items on the dining table, he suddenly hug me from behind 

M; ani leave me..

A; y , i don't have the rites for hug my wife huh??

M; first eat ur lunch , then i told  the answer 

A; answer fist , lunch next 

M; no ani 

A; no 

he slowly increase hid grip, and  his lips touch my neck  and colar bone , shoulder ..i just laid my head on his shoulder, its  make so easy to him ..he kiss my ears 

A; shall i start it my dear wife he whisper near to my ear 

I remove his hand from me, and turned towards him, 

M; no ani, its not that time k

he took the steps forward , i just went back . he  try to catch me, when i  try to went up stair  he caught me easily and push me on to the wall, and come closer to me...i just closed my eyes, his lips touch my fore head,  eye lid, nose , chins and  neck ..his  one hand are on the wall another one is on waist .then his lips move towards  mine, before he planted it  i push him gently and  start to ran ..

A; oii  u think i  do not catch u?? huh?

M; if u can do it

he also chase me. i went to upstair and  stand behind the couch , he come to there 

A; u.. u he take long  breath  

M; ooo mudiyalaya???  i giggle to him 

in blinking time he come near to me, before i  move he catch my saree's head and pull me towards him , and quickly lifted up me

M; ani put me down

A; heee, i catch u so ,i am the one who think about it

he open the room door and kept me down on the bed..

(Then u guys know what happen so i skip it )

To be continue.

A/N Vaas0116  and  @Hinbha  i  hope i never failed to make it right??? 

ANIRUDH   WEDS  ME (Completed)✓Where stories live. Discover now