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He come towards us..

A; hey, what happen y u look so tension?

R;we lost our job

A; wow ! what a great news...said with smile

rubi give the confused look and i give the angry look to him..

R; what u mean?

i do not speak any words to him

A; hmm huh... i mean its so sad ya.

R; we don't know what should we do?

A; hahah..don't worry i give the job to u..but ur friend?

M; u don't care abt me, i will find any new job k. said with angrey tone

R; hey how u give the job to us?

A; i need a costume designers so if u don't mine join in my team

R; wow its so great..i am ready

Rubi look me, i nodded my head say like NO'

A; y u friend look so adorable ?? ask to rubi

R; no no, she is not like that character  just upset

A; oh k...then u don't join my team

M; yeah...suddenly rubi grab my hand  and say to him excuse me..

Ani p o v

i know  her friend to convince  her. for work my team...I AM WAITING...


R; r u mad or something?

M; what?

R; y u say u can't work with him?

M; i don't like him ( sorry guys just for stry)

R; yeah i know but think ur carrier , u need job, if u not get work then u KNOW WHAT HAPPEN TO NEXT??

i was so shock, rubi is right if i do not get job then.....then....then way
, my hands was shivering heavily

R; okay , don't think abt it..just say yes ,  in between u try another job.

My p o v...

i must follow rubi idea, because i do not have any  another chance...

then we walk inside and rubi say' tell him'

A; what happen rubi?

M; can i join ur team?

A; wow, what a pleasant surprise... u want work together with me

i get the irritating but control myself

A; sorry , its my pleasure

then we say bye to him but he stop us.

A; today shiva birth day so we arrange the party u guys please join to us..

M; but its too late

shiva also force us to attended the party...

To be continue.....

ANIRUDH   WEDS  ME (Completed)✓Where stories live. Discover now