Chapter 2-Darkest Hour

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Hey guyss, xXxTaylorSwiftiexXx made me a trailor video!!! AHHH. But it won't let me upload it on the side -.- So here's a link Please check it out! thankss. haha, and I also have ANOTHER one now, which makes me super duper happy!! and it let me upload it onto the side here, which is happy times, just yeah, check that out, it's really awesome! ----->

Oh yeah, that's a picture of Cole on the side, isn't he yummy? lol --------->

(For those of you who can't get the picture, Cole has dark eyes, like black/grey, and black hair that's about shoulder length and slightly wavy. He always has this sort of menacing look about him, and tends to wear white t-shirts, a black leather jacket and ordinary blue jeans.) 


Chapter 2

Despite how empty it made me feel, I was hesitant to leave the beach. But I knew it was late. I also knew that Cole would be incredibly pissed with me. I sighed. Who really cares what Cole thinks? 

 As I trudged down the deserted streets to the bus stop, I sighed again. I cared. He was one who'd made me laugh again; he'd made my life worth living. Before Cole had come into my life, all of my smiles had been false. I hadn't once meant it when I said, "I'm fine."

 When the night bus finally came, the bus driver didn't even blink at my dripping state. I guess it hadn't been a good idea to go lie down in the water... Hindsight was a bitch sometimes... So I sat at the back of the bus, my teeth chattered from the cold. I checked my phone, which was miraculously not broken, even after being submerged in water for who knows how long. 32 missed calls from Cole. Shit. 

 I didn't bother calling him back, since I was almost home anyway. Plus, he deserved it. What he'd done today was stupid and reckless, and we'd almost payed for it with our lives! He really needed to learn caution. Despite our powers, we weren't infallible.

 I didn't know how I would survive without Cole, and that was what made me so angry, so upset. The thought of anything happening to him... The thought of having to see his still, motionless body dressed in a suit, encased in a coffin...slowly being covered in dirt. I shuddered violently, and this time, I wasn't from the cold. I knew that I wouldn't be able to continue in this world without Cole. 

 When I arrived home, I did so dripping wet and shivering like a tiny chihuahua. Really, it was a wonder that Cole didn't think me a nut-job. 
“Raven, where were you?” he asked as soon as I walked through the door, his eyes roaming over my soaked body, searching for injuries. I held back a cringe at the anger in his tone.

 Cole wasn’t normal either. We had found each other a while back, when we were both going after the same bad guy.
“Just give it a rest Cole,” I said tiredly, walking right past him from where he stood menacingly in the tiny hallway to the cramped kitchen. Now, I say menacingly because Cole was 6'1, with black hair and equally dark eyes. And I don't only mean dark regarding their colour.

 But I had grown accustomed to his intimidating look, so I just shuffled right past him and slumped into one of the two available kitchen chairs.
“For God’s sake, They could have gotten to you for all I knew! You were gone for hours Raven, what was I supposed to think?! You were all alone. Anything could have happened!"
"Stop it Cole."
"They could have killed you, and you just want me to forget it?” he asked incredulously, following me in., talking as if I hadn't spoken. 
“Yes Cole, that’s exactly what I want you to do,” I replied, talking slowly, as if I were talking to a little kid.

 I lay my head on my hands, blocking my view of him. God, I was so tired. All of the energy had been zapped out of me, leaving me empty, a shadow of myself.

 I was so focused on my own thoughts that I hadn't noticed Cole pacing the cramped kitchen like a caged tiger. So I jumped when he suddenly smashed his hands against the table, a look of frustration twisting his features into a frown. I blinked up at him in surprise, and he glared down at me.

 Right now, I didn't want to think about how awful I must look. My eyes felt swollen and red. The blue in them seemed dim and gloomy, like the waves on the beach after the moon had fully risen. Instead of being blue, they were black in my mind's eye. I knew I was paler than normal.

 Cole’s eyes burned with a strong emotion that I was too tired to process. We stared into each others eyes for a long time, before his shoulders finally slumped. He sighed, a deep sound that made me notice how tired he looked. There were dark bags under his eyes, and while he was usually alert and on edge, his reactions seemed subdued. What had caused him to become so tired?

 “Alright, fine,” he grumbled sourly, always the sore loser. “We’ll play it your way. This time. But do that to me again, and I will hunt you down, you got that?” There was a fierce note in his voice which led me to believe that he wasn’t kidding. 

 Slowly, I nodded. Even that was an effort. My head felt like it was made of bricks. He sighed again, then held out a hand. I looked at it for a moment before taking it. I gave him a small, tired smile.

 The distance from the kitchen to my room was short, but it felt like I was trying to walk 1000 miles. I kept stumbling over my own feet, and my eyes were heavy. This wasn't like me. I wasn't clumsy, and I certainly wasn't a damsel that needed saving. But at the moment, I felt like I did need saving. I needed saving from myself, from the tragic story that was my life.
“What happened to you?” he muttered under his breath, not really expecting an answer.

As he lead me into my tiny room, I flopped down onto the single bed, uncaring of my dripping wet clothes. I was too exhausted to be bothered with changing, despite how cold I still was. Cole hovered in the doorway, a silhouette against the light. For some reason, I felt like I owed him an answer.

“I just revisited my darkest hour,” I said softly. Cole started to say something, but I was already fast asleep.

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