Chapter 12-Torture

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Chapter 12

Cole's POV

As I left the house, I grinned. Being near Raven usually did that to me. I knew that there wasn't really anything to be happy about here, I was, after all, on a mission, but the memory of Raven's tinkling laughter send a spike of lust through me even now. Being so close to her was doing funny things to me. Especially after our 'moment'.

 Shaking my head, I urged myself to focus. This task was too important to screw up. It wasn't good that the bastards knew Raven by name. I was going to find out some information today, even if it killed me. I was not about to lose another person I loved to those filthy creatures.

 I stopped walking. Did I really just think that? I didn't love Raven! I couldn't. She was my friend, and as much as I liked her, friends never got out of the friend zone. It just wasn't done. 

 When I continued walking, I did so at an agitated pace. I caught a night bus to a night club. Inside, it was packed with gyrating bodies. I looked over the tarty women here in disgust. They didn't compare to Raven. Their outifts revealed more than they concealed, but all I felt was repulsion. 

 A few women gave me flirtatious smiles as I passed them on the way to the bar, but I payed the skanks no attention. The bartender, a man with dark hair that looked slightly Italian, set a glass of gin and tonic in front of me after I'd ordered and payed. I nursed it, looking around me.

 The music blasted from various speakers around the room. Pulsating lights flashed different colours, lighting the dark room with vibrancy. The music was so loud, you had to shout to be heard over it. The assualt on my senses was almost too much, but I had trained myself long ago to be able to block out all background noise. 

 I closed my eyes and focused, sending my senses outwards as I had long ago been taught. Nothing...nothing...there! I opened my eyes, grinning, searching for the source of those tingles. My gaze landed on a woman at the other end of the bar. She wore black tight-fitting leather trousers that hugged her legs in a suggestive manner. The black tank top she wore was just as suggestive. Her cleavage practically spilled out of it, and the top ended about an inch above her belly button. Tumbling blonde curls spilled over her shoulders, and innocent looking blue eyes gazed around in an almost predatory way. Not so innocent. I'd admit though, she was eye candy. 

 Smiling, I sauntered over to her and sat down beside her. 
"Hello there gorgeous," I said smoothly, raising my glass to her slightly. She glanced over at me, then made a noise that slightly resembled a purring cat. 
"Hello to you too handsome," she replied, turning to face me fully. She wrapped her legs around my bar stool and pulled so that her stool was dragged closer to mine. At this, there a few cat calls, but she just smiled lazily at me.

 "And what might your name be?" she asked, staring up at me while biting her lower lip in a seductive way. 
"Ethan," I lied easily. "And yours? It's something as beautiful as you are, I'm sure." She chuckled throatily at the compliment. 

"My name is Charlotte," she told me, getting up and wrapping her arms around my waist. "Now Ethan, if you were to come outside with me, I could show you just how beautiful I really am." She whispered that last part in my ear, and I made sure to shudder. Best for her to think that I was madly lusting after her, when really, all her nearness did to me was disgust me. 

 I slid off my bar stool and wrapped my arms around her waist. She moved her hands up along my back to fiddle with my hair. I leaned close to her ear. 
"It would be my pleasure," I whispered, licking the outer shell of her ear. The demon trembled in my arms, and I moved my head to her neck, gently sucking on her skin. She moaned sharply before drawing away. 
"Well aren't you quite the surprise," she said in a low voice, turning and leading the way out of the club, arrogantly assuming that I would follow. 

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