Chapter 14-Pillow Fight

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Warning-this chapter involves a bit of romance... ;) haha, but first kiss. But I promise that is coming soon! 

Oh, and just wanted to thank you for reading this far, and that I'm sorry for taking agesss to upload every time, I hardly get any spare time to write, which is totally depressing. So...yeah. Enjoy :D

Oh yeah, dedicated for making me that amazing trailer in Chapter 2!! :D


Chapter 14

"Raven," someone said, gently shaking me. I groaned, burying my face further into the pillow. I heard someone sigh, then, "RAVEN!". I jumped, my puffy eyes opening in shock, glaring accusingly at Cole, who stood at the end of my bed, grinning innocently. Great, now not only did my eyes hurt from all the crying, but now my ears hurt too!

 Suddenly remembering that I had been sharing the bed with Izzy, I looked to find that she wasn't there any more.

"Where's Izzy?" I asked, my eyes wide with panic.

"Don't worry, she's just in the kitchen having some breakfast," Cole said, coming and sitting on the end of my bed, seemingly oblivious to the redness of my eyes. I let out a sigh of relief, on both accounts, glancing at the clock. 9:45 am.

 "SHIT!" I yelled, jumping out of bed. My morning was just full of panic today!

"What?" Cole asked, alarmed, rising as well, eyes darting around for some sort of threat.

"I'm late for work!" I cried, and proceeded to rush around my room like a mad woman. It wasn't until i heard Cole start laughing that I actually stopped.

 "What?" I demanded, placing my hands on my hips.

"I called you in sick today. Well, I actually used Izzy as an excuse. You couldn't exactly bring her to school after the trauma she just had. That could be seen as neglect. So you're off the hook."

I glared at him. "So then why the hell did you wake me up?" I asked, stalking back over to the bed and jumping into its addictive warmth. I closed my eyes.

"Because Izzy asked for you," he replied smugly, knowing that hearing that would make me get out of bed.

I groaned. "I hate you, you know that?"

He grinned. "Sticks and stones Raven, sticks and stones."

 I threw my pillow at him as he walked to the door, and hit him in the back. Slowly, he turned around, an evil look on his face. He bent to pick up the pillow. 

"Cole, what are you doing?" I asked cautiously as he slowly advanced to the bed. I picked up another pillow defensively. Cole just grinned at me, further increasing my suspicion. I began to slowly back away from him on the bed. 

 Suddenly, in one flash of movement, Cole darted towards me, striking out with his pillow. I blocked his move with my own pillow, jumping off the bed. We began to circle each other. 

 Scanning Cole for weaknesses, and finding none, I decided to call in backup. 

"Izzy!" I called. "Come help out your favourite teacher!" Cole's eyes widened, and I grinned shamelessly at him. I knew he had a soft spot for Izzy, and that would give us an edge. 

 As Cole and I continued to cirlce each other, pillows held up in front of us, I heard the patter of Izzy's light footsteps until I saw her little head poked around the corner. Her blue eyes widened at the scene, then she grinned mischievously. I threw her a pillow, which hit her in the chest. 

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